Open Space Aarhus
- Aarhus, Denmark
- http://dren.dk
AfroGovernor Public
A governor for the AfroESC from hobbyking, which talks to the ESC via I2C aka TWI from a Leonardo micro running LUFA
PlotClock Public
Fork of the plotclock optimized for better manfucaturability and for the available whiteboard markers.
LEDstrip Public
A 16 PWM channel LED driver for dimming LED strips, the drivers are 8 A open drain FETs so common anode LED strips are easy to drive.
net-http-spore Public
Forked from SPORE/net-http-sporePerl implementation for SPORE
Perl UpdatedMay 27, 2013 -
jira-client-rest Public
Forked from gphat/jira-client-restJIRA REST Client
Perl UpdatedMay 27, 2013 -
AirosPlus Public
Extra software for the Ubiquity AirOS proviced as as patch set and a build script
Luggage Public
Display unit for giving readouts for a 1000 W (24 V / 44 A) RC charging PSU
SwitchGang Public
A small gang of 5 switchmode powersupplies on one PCB
BlaupunktVsLacetti Public
Interface to allow a 2011 Blaupunkt headunit to be operated by the steeringwheel remote found in a Chevrolet Lacetti