- Android application for implementing contact, gallery, and restaurant recommendation tabs.
- This project was done in the first week of KAIST Immersion Camp in 2019 winter semester.
- There are three tabs in this application: (1) contact (2) gallery (3) restaurant recommendation
- synchronize automatically with the basic contact app
- display phone numbers, scroll upward and downward
- call to someone
- select photos from other gallery applications (ex : basic gallery app, google photo)
- share photo to someone
- recommend a good restaurant near you with a Google Places rating of 3.5/5 or higher.
- give detailed information of recommended restaurant (ex : restaurant name, location, telephone number, rating, etc)
- it's available only
three times a day
so that you can choose a restaurant without hesitation. Think that the restaurant you choose is your destiny 😏
- Android Studio
- Google Map API
- Google Places API