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Hyperledger Fabric chaincode kit (CCKit)

Go Report Card Build Coverage Status

CCkit is a programming toolkit for developing and testing hyperledger fabric chaincode


CCKit features

  • Centralized chaincode invocation handling via router
  • MockStub testing, allowing to immediately receive test results
  • Middleware support
  • Chaincode method access control
  • Automatic data structures conversion

Problems with existing chaincode examples

There are several chaincode examples available :

main problems:

  • Absence of chaincode methods routing
  • Lots of code duplication (json marshalling / unmarshalling, validation, access control etc)
  • Uncompleted testing tools (MockStub)

Example based on CCKit

Chaincode "Cars"

Car registration chaincode. Only authority can register car information, all can view information about registered cars.

source code, tests

// Simple CRUD chaincode for store information about cars
package main

import (

	p ""

var (
	ErrCarAlreadyExists = errors.New(`car already exists`)

const CarEntity = `CAR`
const CarRegisteredEvent = `CAR_REGISTERED`

// CarPayload chaincode method argument
type CarPayload struct {
	Id    string
	Title string
	Owner string

// Car struct for chaincode state
type Car struct {
	Id    string
	Title string
	Owner string

	UpdatedAt time.Time // set by chaincode method

// Key for car entry in chaincode state
func (c Car) Key() ([]string, error) {
	return []string{CarEntity, c.Id}, nil

func New() *router.Chaincode {
	r := router.New(`cars`) // also initialized logger with "cars" prefix


		Query(`List`, queryCars).                                             // chain code method name is carList
		Query(`Get`, queryCar, p.String(`id`)).                               // chain code method name is carGet, method has 1 string argument "id"
		Invoke(`Register`, invokeCarRegister, p.Struct(`car`, &CarPayload{}), // 1 struct argument
			owner.Only) // allow access to method only for chaincode owner (authority)

	return router.NewChaincode(r)

// ======= Init ==================
func invokeInit(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
	return owner.SetFromCreator(c)

// ======= Chaincode methods =====

// car get info chaincode method handler
func queryCar(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
	// get state entry by composite key using CarKeyPrefix and car.Id
	//  and unmarshal from []byte to Car struct
	return c.State().Get(&Car{Id: c.ArgString(`id`)})

// cars car list chaincode method handler
func queryCars(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
	return c.State().List(
		CarEntity, // get list of state entries of type CarKeyPrefix
		&Car{})    // unmarshal from []byte and append to []Car slice

// carRegister car register chaincode method handler
func invokeCarRegister(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
	// arg name defined in router method definition
	p := c.Arg(`car`).(CarPayload)

	t, _ := c.Time() // tx time
	car := &Car{     // data for chaincode state
		Id:        p.Id,
		Title:     p.Title,
		Owner:     p.Owner,
		UpdatedAt: t,

	// trigger event
	c.SetEvent(CarRegisteredEvent, car)

	return car, // peer.Response payload will be json serialized car data
		//put json serialized data to state
		// create composite key using CarKeyPrefix and car.Id

Test for chaincode

Tests are based on a modified MockStub

package main

import (

	. ""
	. ""
	examplecert ""
	testcc ""
	expectcc ""

func TestCars(t *testing.T) {
	RunSpecs(t, "Cars Suite")

var _ = Describe(`Cars`, func() {

	//Create chaincode mock
	cc := testcc.NewMockStub(`cars`, New())

	// load actor certificates
	actors, err := examplecert.Actors(map[string]string{
		`authority`: `s7techlab.pem`,
		`someone`:   `victor-nosov.pem`,
	if err != nil {

	// cars fixtures
	car1 := &Car{
		Id:    `A777MP77`,
		Title: `BMW`,
		Owner: `victor-nosov`,

	car2 := &Car{
		Id:    `O888OO77`,
		Title: `TOYOTA`,
		Owner: `alexander`,

	BeforeSuite(func() {
		// init chaincode
		expectcc.ResponseOk(cc.From(actors[`authority`]).Init()) // init chaincode from authority

	Describe("Car", func() {

		It("Allow authority to add information about car", func() {
			//invoke chaincode method from authority actor
			expectcc.ResponseOk(cc.From(actors[`authority`]).Invoke(`carRegister`, car1))

		It("Disallow non authority to add information about car", func() {
			//invoke chaincode method from non authority actor
				cc.From(actors[`someone`]).Invoke(`carRegister`, car1),
				owner.ErrOwnerOnly) // expect "only owner" error

		It("Disallow authority to add duplicate information about car", func() {
				cc.From(actors[`authority`]).Invoke(`carRegister`, car1),
				ErrCarAlreadyExists) //expect already exists

		It("Allow everyone to retrieve car information", func() {
			car := expectcc.PayloadIs(cc.Invoke(`carGet`, car1.Id),


		It("Allow everyone to get car list", func() {
			//  &[]Car{} - declares target type for unmarshalling from []byte received from chaincode
			cars := expectcc.PayloadIs(cc.Invoke(`carList`), &[]Car{}).([]Car)


		It("Allow authority to add more information about car", func() {
			// register second car
			expectcc.ResponseOk(cc.Invoke(`carRegister`, car2))
			cars := expectcc.PayloadIs(
