feat: add work db and urlencode passwords for sql server
feat: add work db and urlencode passwords for sql server
fix: global replace visual selection
fix: global replace visual selection
(fix) telescope layout and moved big lua blocks to its own file
(fix) telescope layout and moved big lua blocks to its own file
(feat) make statusbar global at bottom
(feat) make statusbar global at bottom
(chore) update NAR hash for treesitter
(chore) update NAR hash for treesitter
(feat) add fuzzy find in buffer keymap
(feat) add fuzzy find in buffer keymap
(fix) set python typechecking to a toggle
(fix) set python typechecking to a toggle
(fix) update poweron grammar
(fix) update poweron grammar
(feat) add async path completions
(feat) add async path completions
(fix) lspsaga outline change
(fix) lspsaga outline change
(fix) stop flash from hanging with searching a buffer with big files …
(fix) stop flash from hanging with searching a buffer with big files …
(feat) add rainbowcsv and xml comment deletion macro
(feat) add rainbowcsv and xml comment deletion macro
(feat) add command_history telescope keybind
(feat) add command_history telescope keybind
(feat) add dadbod and fix telescope
(feat) add dadbod and fix telescope
(feat) add java lsp and remove md from tailwindcss lsp
(feat) add java lsp and remove md from tailwindcss lsp
(chore) update fetchfromgit hash
(chore) update fetchfromgit hash