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Building WASM

Run from Biomes repository root, scripts/ -t all

Working in C++


  1. Install Bazel,

    • OSX

      • This will be brew install bazelisk (or port install bazelisk).
    • Windows

      • Recommended to install the latest binary release of bazelisk ( and then manually add it to your Windows PATH. Installing via npm results in issues with pip install not being able to find the Bazel binary
      • if running through Git Bash, you will need to export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1.
      • you will likely also need to point PYTHON_BIN_PATH and/or PYTHON_LIB_PATH to your Python executable, e.g.:
        export PYTHON_BIN_PATH=C:/Python39/python.exe
        export PYTHON_LIB_PATH=C:/Python39/Lib/
      • You may also need to point BAZEL_VC to your visual C++ install directory, e.g.:
        export BAZEL_VC="C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/BuildTools/VC"
  2. Install the VSCode 'clangd' extension

  3. When prompted, disable Intellisense in favour of clangd.

Following instructions are to be run from voxeloo.

Running tests

bazel test //...

Building everything

bazel build //...

Installing Python extension

Run from Biomes repository root, pip install ./voxeloo