The recommended way to install dependencies is to use virtualenv and then do:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the server using:
twistd -n slyd
and point your browser to: http://localhost:9001/static/index.html
Chrome and Firefox are supported, but it works better with chrome.
This will be moved to separate docs - it's currently some notes for developers
All resources are either under /dist/ or /projects/.
project listing/creation/deletion/renaming
To get list all existing projects, just GET http://localhost:9001/projects:
$ curl http://localhost:9001/projects -> ["project1", "project2"]
New projects can be created by posting to /projects, for example:
$ curl -d '{"cmd": "create", "args": ["project_X"]}' http://localhost:9001/projects
To delete a project:
$ curl -d '{"cmd": "rm", "args": ["project_X"]}' http://localhost:9001/projects
To rename a project:
$ curl -d '{"cmd": "mv", "args": ["oldname", "newname"]}' http://localhost:9001/projects
Please note that projects will not be overwritten when renaming or creating new ones (if a project with the given name already exists an error from the 400 family will be returned).
The project specification is available under /projects/PROJECT_ID/spec. The path format mirrors the slybot format documented here:
Currently, this is read only, but it will soon support PUT/POST.
The entire spec is returned for a GET request to the root:
$ curl http://localhost:9001/projects/78/spec
{"project": {
"version": "1308771278",
"name": "demo"
A list of available spiders can be retrieved:
$ curl http://localhost:9001/projects/78/spec/spiders ["", "", "", "pin", "mhvillage"]
and specific resources can be requested:
$ curl http://localhost:9001/projects/78/spec/spiders/
"respect_nofollow": true
The spec can be updating by POSTing:
$ curl --data @newlinkedin.js http://localhost:9001/projects/78/spec/spiders/linkedin
An HTTP 400 will be returned if the uploaded spec does not validate.
Basic commands are available for manipulating spider files. For example:
$ curl -d '{"cmd": "rm", "args": ["spidername"]}' http://localhost:9001/projects/78/spec/spiders
Available commands are:
- mv - move spider from first arg to second. If the second exists it is overwritten.
- rm - delete spider
Accepts json object with the following fields:
- request - same as scrapy requst object. At least needs a url
- spider - spider name within in the project
- page_id - unique ID for this page, must match the id used in templates (not yet implemented)
Returns a json object containing (so far):
- page - page content, not yet annotated but will be
- response - object containing the response data: http code and headers
- items - array of items extracted
- fp - request fingerprint
- error - error message, present if there was an error
- links - array of links followed
Coming soon in the response:
- template_id - id of template that matched
- trace - textual trace of the matching process - for debugging
If you want to work on an existing project, put it in data/projects/PROJECTID, these can be downloaded from dash or by:
$ bin/sh2sly data/projects -p 78 -k YOURAPIKEY
Then you can extract data:
$ curl -d '{"request": {"url": ""}, "spider": ""}' http://localhost:9001/projects/78/bot/fetch { "fp": "0f2686acdc6a71eeddc49045b7cea0b6f81e6b61", "items": [ { "url": "", "_template": "527387aa4d6c7133c6551481", "image": [ "" ], "_type": "pin", "name": [ "Career Driven" ] } ], "page": "\n ...." }
slyd can be tested using twisted:
trial tests