Because Raspberry Pis are rad, Ansible is awesome, and Kubernetes is a killer app! Also, it's cheaper than a year of GKE.
- Raspberry Pi 3 (3 or more)
- Raspbian Lite
- Raspberry Pis should have static IPs (requirement for Kubernetes and Ansible inventory)
- Ability to SSH into all Raspberry Pis and escalate privileges with sudo
- The pi user is fine just change its password
- Ansible 2.2 or higher
- Since Raspbian Lite is being used it's recommended that the video memory of the Raspberry Pi 3s be set to its lowest setting (16 MB).
These playbooks were assembled using a handful of very helpful guides:
- K8s on (vanilla) Raspbian Lite by Alex Ellis
- Installing kubeadm
- kubernetes/dashboard - Access control - Admin privileges
- Install using the convenience script
A very special thanks to Alex Ellis and the OpenFaaS community for their assitance in answering questions and making sense of some errors.