The implementation of Black-Box Tuning is quite simple, you can check our code and easily implement it in your own environment. Or you can create a new environment to run our implementation, which is based on pycma
, Transformers
and FastNLP
. Optionally, you can use fitlog
to monitor experimental results. You can uncomment the fitlog-related lines in our code to use it.
conda create --name bbt python=3.8
conda activate bbt
pip install transformers==4.1.1
pip install datasets
pip install fastNLP
pip install cma
pip install sklearn
pip install cryptography
Now you can run Black-Box Tuning with the following code:
python --seed 42 --task_name 'sst2'
Then the best prompt will be saved to ./results
to get the predictions on the test set.
def test_api(
sentence_fn: Callable[[str], str],
test_data_path: str,
embedding_and_attention_mask_fn: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]=None,
Callable[[int, Tensor, Tensor], Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]=None,
task_name: str='SST-2',
batch_size: int=32,
device: Optional[str, torch.device]='cuda':
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
对test set中的句子添加(自然语言组成的)离散模板的函数,以待预测的句子作为参数,返回处理后的句子。见下例:
pre_str = tokenizer.decode(list(range(1000, 1050))) + ' . '
middle_str = ' ? <mask> , '
def sentence_fn(test_data):
return pre_str + test_data + middle_str + test_data
- 注:sentence_fn的参数并非真实的数据,只是一个占位符,因此不能直接对数据的长度做操作。在测试阶段,我们统一把所有长于256 token的句子切割到256个token。
适用于仅在embedding层之后加入的soft prompt,通过操作embedding layer得到的表征和对应的attention_mask并按相同顺序返回,其出现在RobertaEmbedding和RobertaEncoder层之间。见下例:
def embedding_and_attention_mask_fn(embedding, attention_mask):
prepad = torch.zeros(size=(1, 1024), device=device)
pospad = torch.zeros(size=(embedding.size(1) - 51, 1024), device=device)
return embedding +[prepad, best_prompt, pospad]), attention_mask
- Shape: embedding
bsz, seq_len, hidden_size
, attention_maskbsz, seq_len
适用于在embedding层之后和除最后一层encoder layer得到的结果中均加入的soft prompt(每层的prompt内容可以不同)见下例:
def hidden_states_and_attention_mask_fn(i, embedding, attention_mask):
prepad = torch.zeros(size=(1, 1024), device=device)
pospad = torch.zeros(size=(embedding.size(1) - 51, 1024), device=device)
return embedding +[prepad, best_prompt[i], pospad]), attention_mask
- i: 是在
[0, num_layer)
中的整数,代表prompt出现的层数,其中i=0对应embedding层之后 - Shape: embedding
bsz, seq_len, hidden_size
, attention_maskbsz, seq_len
['SNLI', 'SST-2', 'MRPC', 'AGNews', 'Yelp', 'TREC']中的一个,需要与测试文件路径匹配
Logits:一个batch中,模型预测的mask_pos位置对应的lm_logit,shape为batch_size, vocab_size
- 最后一个batch可能不满
Hidden_states: 一个batch中,每一层的所有hidden states,shape为batch_size, num_layer + 1, seq_len, hidden_size
For more technical details, check out our paper
If you meet any problem, you can seek our help in the Wechat group.