This gem integrates Omniture SiteCatalyst into your web app.
gem install omniturize
This is gem is based on activenetwork's OmnitureClient gem, which was forked from acatighera's.
There is some borrowed code from unawared coders. So thank you to
You must configure the Omniture namespace, suite(s), version that you wish to use. Optionally, you can set up aliases to make things easier for yourself when coding reporters. Omniture uses c1, e1, r, etc to represent custom variables, e_vars, the referrer, etc. These param names are obscure and can be hard to remember so you can set up aliases for them.
# config/omniture.yml
suite: suite1
version: G.4--NS
search_term: c1
movie_titles: e1
referrer: r
Then, you should add this line to an initializer:
###Attaching to the controllers You can select which controllers you want to track by adding the next line
class FooController < ApplicationController
For each controller you want to track, you should create a reporter. The root name of this reporter should be the same name as the controller -or the BasicController
explained below.
#FooReporter for FooController
class FooReporter < Omniturize::Base
If there is a basic behaviour for some of your controllers, you should create a BasicReporter. This reporter will be used in case a reporter with the same name as the controller is not found.
class BasicReporter < Omniturize::Base
###vars You can define a var by giving it a name and defining a block
var :my_var do
You can define a var to be present in or excluded from some actions.
#This var will be present only in index and new actions
var :my_var, :only => [:index, :new] do
#this var will be excluded from index, new, create, update and destroy actions
var :my_var, :except => [:index, :new, :create, :update, :destroy] do
If no :only or :excluded options are passed, the defined var will be available in every action.
###Events You can define an event the same way you define a var, except that you don't have to give a name for the event
event, :only => [:search] do
###Custom javascript You can define custom javascript code the same way you define an event
js_snippet, :only => [:search] do
's.server =;'
###Using controller methods in the blocks Since the block you are defining is executed within the controller context, you can use every method defined in your controller.
##File structure My advice is to create these reporters in the 'app/reporters' directory, by creating this directory and adding it to the autoload_path
config.autoload_paths += "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/reporters"
You can create a hierarchy of reporters. This way you can share some configurations between classes and override them if necessary, e.g: you would want to create an ApplicationReporter which will contain the most common behaviour, and subclass this reporter for adding or modifying new vars, events, or js
class ApplicationReporter < Omniturize::Base
var :my_var do
'common value'
class FooReporter < ApplicationReporter
var :my_var do
var :foo_var do
Somewhere in your view -probably in one of your layouts- you should add the next line:
@controller.reporter.js(:action => params[:action])
##More info Since this gem has been created for a very specific use, it may be that this documentation is not enough for you. I have tried to keep the most code from the original sources, so you would want to take a look to the code itself or to the original sources where I took the code