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How to Benchmark Your Tool of Choice with Minimal Work

aka The Absolute Minimal Benchmark

If your favorite software tool for machine learning (either open source or commercial) is not benchmarked here, you can get an idea of speed/accuracy with minimal work by following the instructions below.

Get the training data of 100K records and the test data (csv files).

Please benchmark random forests, it's both easy to train (no much tuning needed) and provides pretty good accuracy. Use 100 trees and max depth 20. Keep the categorical variables non-ordinal and do not do any feature engineering to improve accuracy.

Do the following (pseudocode) in your system:

train_data = read(train_data_file)
test_data = read(test_data_file)

model = train_random_forest(train_data, n_trees = 100, depth = 20)

predictions = predict(model, test_data_without_labels)
calculate_AUC(predictions, test_data_labels_only)

Once this works, try the larger training data of 1M records and optionally next the training data of 10M records.

Here are the results for n = 1M for a few software tools (on a r3.8xlarge EC2 instance 32 cores, 250GB RAM):

Tool Time (sec) AUC
scikit-learn 200 72.5
H2O 130 75.2
xgboost 30 74.9
Spark MLlib 250 71.4
Spark 2.0 400 71.5

and for some others:

Tool Time (sec) AUC
Rborist 70 73.8

If you have results for other software tool(s), contact me by submitting a github issue. The main point would be to be able to train in a couple of minutes (and not crash out of memory), and get decent accuracy on a high-end commodity server/desktop (or in the cloud). Please submit software name, training set size, hardware (number of cores, RAM), training time, AUC on the test set (and number of trees/max depth if different from above).

Why binary classification and random forests? Because binary classification is the largest use case in machine learning applications, while random forests is the most widely used tool to deal with that after logistic regression (but linear models are usually less accurate). GBMs are also great, widely-used and most often more accurate, but they require more work (tuning, avoiding overfitting etc.) therefore the choice of RF for this very simple absolute minimal benchmark.

Why a mix of categorical and numeric features and 1 million records? Because most business applications have categorical features, and despite the big data hype most users have actually smaller datasets. While a majority of professionals usually do supervised learning on less than 1M records, there are a good number of users in the 10M and even 100M range, so the requirement to be able to run on 1M records is pretty much a minimum nowadays.

I would argue that you cannot have a decent out-of-the-box general machine learning tool (open source/commercial, command line/GUI-based, software/cloud service) without being able to do binary classification with random forest (or maybe GBM) on data with a mix of categorical and numeric features on 1 million records with decent training time and decent accuracy.

Contributed Results

Here are some contributed measurements provided by others (mainly developers/vendors of other tools). While I'm not verifying the results, I think having them public is useful:

Tool n Time (sec) AUC Contributor HW Cores RAM (GB) Comments
SAS EM 1M 430 (8 cores) 73.0 Longhow Lam laptop 4/8(h) 32 got screenshots
Datacratic MLDB 1M 20 74.3 Datacratic EC2 32 250 details