earthGavinLee / Prophecis
Forked from WeBankFinTech/ProphecisProphecis is a one-stop cloud native machine learning platform.
amule docker build for armv7 and arm64
earthGavinLee / ttyd
Forked from tsl0922/ttydShare your terminal over the web
earthGavinLee / ohpc
Forked from openhpc/ohpcOpenHPC Integration, Packaging, and Test Repo
earthGavinLee / JMS
Forked from RUBi-ZA/JMSA workflow management system and web-based cluster front-end for high performance computing
out0fmemory / 91porn
Forked from zhaoxianjin/91porn91Porn Android 客户端,突破游客每天观看10次视频的限制,还可以下载视频
Resurrection Remix Android Manifest
earthGavinLee / XX-Net-Linux
Forked from miketwes/XX-Net-miniXX-Net-Linux: Mini version of XX-Net for Linux user.
Minimal manifest for building TWRP for devices shipped with Android 5.1 through Android 9.0
CyanogenMod / android
Forked from uavana/androidMisc Android stuff
Mining pool for all CryptoNote based coins such as Bytecoin, duckNote, Monero, and Fantomcoin.
Mining pool for Bytecoin/Forknote based coins such as Bytecoin and Dashcoin.
OpenWrt package for copying network packets without iptables
Quatanium Specific Openwrt Packages for Qhome Smart Home System
zxjcarrot / shadowsocks
Forked from shadowsocks/shadowsocksA fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
earthGavinLee / entware
Forked from Entware/Prehistoric-EntwareThe Entware. A modern Optware replacement
vsftpd Configure page for Lua Configure Interface
add hg255d support
mibodhi / u-boot-oxnas
Forked from kref/u-boot-oxnasU-Boot for Oxnas OX820 Devices