main line for2.x.x
main line for3.x.x
- documentation links refer to
- 2.x.x can be merged to 3.x.x
- documentation links refer to
- 2.x.x can be merged to main
Run these commands just the first time:
# Ensure python3 is installed
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install tox "poetry>=1.4" "crashtest==0.4.1"
Run this command once you open a new shell:
source .venv/bin/activate
# test
# Update 3.x.x
git checkout 3.x.x
git pull origin 2.x.x
git push origin 3.x.x
prev_version=$(poetry version -s)
# Version Bump
poetry version minor
# OR
poetry version patch
# Commit, Tag and Push
version=$(poetry version -s)
sed "s/$prev_version/$version/g" -i README.rst
sed "s/$prev_version/$version/g" -i docs/index.rst
git commit -m"version bump to ${version}" pyproject.toml README.rst docs/index.rst
git tag "${version}" -m "Release ${version}"
git push
git push --tags
# Update main
git checkout main
git pull origin 2.x.x
git push origin main
# Publishing is handled by CI