H2O artifacts are published in Maven Central. The artifacts are available via this query.
- core functionaly of H2O platform including K/V store, M/R framework, networkingh2o-algos
- basic set of algorithms (GLM, GBM, DeepLeaning,...)h2o-app
- H2O standalone application launcherh2o-web
- H2O web UI called Steam
All published artifacts share the same version enforced by
parent project. See file gradle.properties
which contains version definition.
For publishing gradle nexus pluging is used (see https://github.com/bmuschko/gradle-nexus-plugin).
It publishes artifacts into:
- Local maven repository
- Sonatype snapshot repository
- Sonatype release repository
To publish artifacts into local Maven repository type:
gradle install
To publish artifacts into local Maven repository stored under build/repo
gradle publish
To publish artifacts into remote Sonatype Release and Public H2O Release repository please type:
gradle -PdoRelease publish
To upload artifacts into remote repository the file ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
has to contains your Sonatype credentials
oss-releases.username=<your Sonatype username>
oss-releases.password=<your Sonatype password>
and your Public H2O repository credentials
public-release-maven.username=<your Public H2O repository username>
public-release-maven.password=<your Public H2O repository password>
Publishing to public repositories requires signed artifacts.
Hence it is necessary to provide GNUPG key reference into~/.gradle/gradle.properties
or via command line correspond -P
signing.keyId=<Your Key Id>
signing.password=<Your Public Key Password>
signing.secretKeyRingFile=<Path To Your Key Ring File>
To import H2O public key, please use:
gpg2 --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 539BAEFF
The published artifacts are available at https://oss.sonatype.org.
They need manual approval and propagation to maven central.
Please use OSS credentials to log into OSS (http://oss.sonatype.org/), select Staging Repositories item, select ai.h2o
repository (verify open date), then close the repository and propagate into Maven Cenral.
The artifacts should be available via Maven central in a few minutes. To check them please use the following search link: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cai.h2o
To release, approve and propagate H2O artifacts into Maven central automatically please type:
gradle -PdoRelease release
task has the same requirements aspublish
task described above
In release Jenkins job, please setup environment and call the make-dist.sh
Should i use
command from my machine orgradlew
command provided by the project?- Use
command since it will download expected (and supported) gradle version for you.
- Use
How can I run a specific task (i.e., test)?
./gradlew test
How can I run a specific task on a particular project?
./gradlew :h2o-algos:test
How can I run gradle daemon by default?
- Put
into your~/.gradle/gradle.properties
- Put
How can I run gradle without daemon?
./gradlew --no-daemon
How can I open h2o-dev project in Idea?
- Open project via selecting top-level
- Open project via selecting top-level
How can I work offline with gradle?
- Run gradle with
command line parameter, for example:./gradlew --offline test
- Run gradle with
How can I pass a parameter to gradle build?
- Specify parameter with
option on gradle command line, for example:./gradlew -PdoFindbugs=true install
- Specify parameter with