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ProTable was created to solve the problem of having to write a lot of sample code for tables in a project, so a lot of common logic was encapsulated in it. These wrappers can be simply categorized as pre-defined behaviors and pre-defined logic.

ProTable puts a layer of wrapping on top of antd's Table, supports some presets, and encapsulates some behaviors. Only api's that differ from antd Table are listed here.


request is the most important API of ProTable, request takes an object. The object must have data and success in it, and total is also required if manual paging is needed. request takes over the loading settings and re-executes them when the query form is queried and the params parameters are modified. Also the query form values and params parameters are brought in. The following is an example.

<ProTable<DataType, Params>
  // params is a parameter that needs to be self-contained
  // This parameter has higher priority and will override the parameters of the query form
  request={async (
    // The first parameter params is the combination of the query form and params parameters
    // The first parameter will always have pageSize and current, which are antd specifications
    params: T & {
      pageSize: number;
      current: number;
  ) => {
    // Here you need to return a Promise, and you can transform the data before returning it
    // If you need to transform the parameters you can change them here
    const msg = await myQuery({
      page: params.current,
      pageSize: params.pageSize,
    return {
      data: msg.result,
      // Please return true for success.
      // otherwise the table will stop parsing the data, even if there is data
      success: boolean,
      // not passed will use the length of the data, if it is paged you must pass
      total: number,


Property Description Type Default Value
request How to get dataSource (params?: {pageSize,current},sort,filter) => {data,success,total} -
params Additional parameters used for request query, once changed will trigger reloading object -
postData Process the data obtained through request (data: T[]) => T[] -
defaultData Default data T[] -
dataSource Table data, protable recommends using request to load T[] -
onDataSourceChange Triggered when Table data changes (dataSource: T[]) => void -
actionRef Reference to Table action for custom triggering MutableRefObject<ActionType> -
formRef The form instance of the query form can be obtained for some flexible configuration MutableRefObject<FormInstance> -
toolBarRender Render toolbar, support returning a dom array, will automatically increase margin-right (action) => ReactNode[] -
onLoad Triggered after the data is loaded, it will be triggered multiple times (dataSource: T[]) => void -
onLoadingChange Triggered when loading is modified, usually caused by network requests (loading:boolean)=>void -
onRequestError Triggered when data loading fails (error) => void -
tableClassName className of the encapsulated table string -
tableStyle style of the encapsulated table CSSProperties -
options table toolbar, not displayed when set to false {{ density?: boolean, fullScreen?: boolean | function, reload?: boolean | function, reloadIcon?: React.ReactNode, densityIcon?: React.ReactNode, setting?: boolean | SettingOptionType }} { fullScreen: false, reload :true, density: true, setting: true}
search Whether to display the search form, when the object is passed in, it is the configuration of the search form false | SearchConfig -
dateFormatter Convert moment format data to a specific type, false will not be converted "string" | "number" | ((value: Moment, valueType: string) => string | number) |false "string"
defaultSize Default size SizeType -
beforeSearchSubmit Make some changes before searching (params:T)=>T -
onSizeChange The table size has changed (size:'default' |'middle' |'small') => void -
type pro-table type "form" -
form antd form configuration FormProps -
onSubmit Triggered when the form is submitted (params: U) => void -
onReset Triggered when the form is reset () => void -
columnEmptyText Display when it is empty, display - when it is not set, false can turn off this function string | false false
tableRender Custom rendering table function (props,dom,domList:{ toolbar,alert,table}) => ReactNode -
toolbar Transparent transmission of ListToolBar configuration items ListToolBarProps -
tableExtraRender The main function of the custom table (props: ProTableProps<T, U>, dataSource: T[]) => ReactNode; -
manualRequest Do you need to manually trigger the first request? When configured as true, the search form cannot be hidden boolean false
editable Related configuration of editable table TableRowEditable -
cardBordered Border of Card components around Table and Search boolean | {search?: boolean, table?: boolean} false
ghost Ghost mode, that is, whether to cancel the padding of the table content area. boolean false
debounceTime Debounce time number 10
revalidateOnFocus Automatically re-request when the window is focused boolean false
columnsState Column Status Control, you can operate the display hide ColumnStateType -


Property Description Type Default Value
record The row data to be added, generally contains a unique key T {}
position Where does the line increase, start or end top | bottom bottom
(...buttonProps) ButtonProps of antd ButtonProps


Property Description Type Default
defaultValue The default value of the column status, only for the first time. Used for resetting value Record <string, ColumnsState>;
value Column status, support controlled mode Record <string, ColumnsState>;
onChange Column status After changing (value: Record <string, ColumnsState>) => void
PersistenceKey The key of the persistence column is used to determine if it is the same table string | Number
PersistenceType The type of persistence column, localStorage is also existing after closing the browser, sessionStorage closes the browser will be lost localStorage | sessionStorage

Search Search form

Property Description Type Default Value
filterType Filter form type 'query' | 'light' 'query'
searchText Search button text string Search
resetText reset button text string reset
submitText The text of the submit button string Submit
labelWidth Label width 'number' | 'auto' 80
span Configure the number of columns in the query form 'number' | 'ColConfig' defaultColConfig
className Encapsulated search Form className string -
collapseRender Collapse button render ((collapsed: boolean,showCollapseButton?: boolean) => ReactNode)|false -
defaultCollapsed Whether to collapse by default boolean true
collapsed collapsed boolean -
onCollapse Collapse button event (collapsed: boolean) => void; -
optionRender Custom action bar ((searchConfig,formProps,dom) => ReactNode[])|false -
showHiddenNum Whether to show the number of hidden items after storing boolean false

editable edit line configuration

Property Description Type Default Value
type Type of editable table, single or multiple single | multiple -
form Form instance of editable form, use Form.useForm to generate and use FormInstance -
formProps form properties can be configured, but onFinish is not supported `FormProps' -
editableKeys Row being edited, controlled attributes. The defaultkey will use the configuration of rowKey,if there is no configuration, it will use theindex, it is recommended to use rowKey Key[] -
onChange Triggered when row data is modified (editableKeys: Key[], editableRows: T[]) => void -
onSave Triggered when a row is saved (key: Key, row: T,originRow:T,newLine?:newLineConfig) => Promise<any> -
saveText Text for saving a row React.ReactNode Save
onDelete Triggered when a row is deleted (key: Key, row: T) => Promise<any> -
deleteText Text for deleting a row React.ReactNode Delete
onCancel Triggered when cancel editing a line (key: Key, row: T,originRow:T,newLine?:newLineConfig) => Promise<any> -
cancelText Text for canceling the editing of a row React.ReactNode Cancel
actionRender Custom edit mode action bar (row: T, config: ActionRenderConfig<T>) => ReactNode[] -
deletePopconfirmMessage The pop-up confirmation box prompt message when deleting ReactNode Delete this line?
onlyOneLineEditorAlertMessage Only one line can be edited ReactNode Only one line can be edited at the same time
onlyAddOneLineAlertMessage Only one line can be added at the same time ReactNode Only add one line


const defaultColConfig = {
  xs: 24,
  sm: 24,
  md: 12,
  lg: 12,
  xl: 8,
  xxl: 6,


Using npm:

$ npm install --save  @ant-design/pro-table

or using yarn:

$ yarn add @ant-design/pro-table