The User model adds the possibility to authenticate users against Active Directory in yii2 fashion. It's also possible to match assigned groups to a user in Active Directory to a role in yii2.
You can manage your users completly over Active Directory without doing anything in yii2!! The only thing you have to do is assign groups in Active Directory where the group name starts with yii2 (can be configured) to the user. The rest would be magic!
But more details later.
This means your LDAP servers, base_dn and so on are set in the config/web.conf (basic template) OR common/config/main.conf (advanced template).
3. Configure yii2 RBAC. Please use the yii\rbac\DbManager and don't forgett to apply the migrations mentioned in the docs.
This has to be done: (if you don't know why and what you are doing read the link above!!)
- Add the authManager class to your config/web.conf (basic template) OR common/config/main.conf (advanced template).
- Add the authManager class to your config/console.conf (basic template) OR console/config/main.conf (advanced template).
'components' => [
'authManager' => [
'class' => 'yii\rbac\DbManager',
Execute the rbac migrations in a shell or cmd
cd C:\xampp\htdocs\basic
yii migrate --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations
cd C:\xampp\htdocs\basic
yii migrate --migrationPath=@Edvlerblog/Adldap2/migrations
'components' => [
//user entry already exists!
'user' => [
'identityClass' => 'Edvlerblog\Adldap2\model\UserDbLdap',
Version 1 with sAMAccountname attribute (login eg. mmaderer)
public function getUser()
if ($this->_user === false) {
$this->_user = \Edvlerblog\Adldap2\model\UserDbLdap::findByUsername($this->username);
return $this->_user;
Version 2 with another attribute (login eg. [email protected])
public function getUser()
if ($this->_user === false) {
$this->_user = \Edvlerblog\Adldap2\model\UserDbLdap::findByAttribute('userPrincipalName',$this->username); //With Principal Name
//$this->_user =\Edvlerblog\Adldap2\model\UserDbLdap::findByAttribute('mail',$this->username); //With Mail
return $this->_user;
7. Add the LdapController to the controllerMap in the config/console.conf (basic template) OR console/config/main.conf (advanced template).
Maybe the 'controllerMap' section is commented out.
'controllerMap' => [
'ldapcmd' => [
'class' => 'Edvlerblog\Adldap2\commands\LdapController',
8. Add the Active Directory configuration from Step 1 to the components in the config/console.conf (basic template) OR console/config/main.conf (advanced template).
Because the configurations settings from the web.conf or the main.conf are not used for the console, you have to add your configuration from Step1 also in your console config!!
'components' => [
'ad' => [
// COPY YOUR SETTINGS FROM web.conf to this place
Open a shell or a cmd and change to the base directory of your yii2 installation (where the composer.json is located).
A ldapcmd entry should be visible.
cd C:\xampp\htdocs\basic
This is Yii version 2.0.10.
The following commands are available:
- ldapcmd
ldapcmd/create-example-role Create a role with the name yii2_example_group
and assign the permissions
permissionDisplayDetailedAbout and
ldapcmd/import-all-users Import all users from LDAP, assign roles and
account status. Run this command with cron or
another scheduler every X minuten/hours/days.
Now you can go to the login in page of your yii installation (see upper right corner of the website). You can use any Active Directory user which is able to login on the windows login of your PC.
If everythings okay you should see the username in upper right corner.
You can do
select * from users
to check if a user was inserted on login.
With SELECT * FROM auth_assignment; you can check if any roles where assigned to your user on login (it is normal that no roles assigned at this point!)
Maybe you think: Configuration, what?? But there are severel possible ways to connect your Active Directory as you will see.
Before you start over there are some terms you have to understand:
role = This term is used for a role in yii2. If you don't know what a role is look at
group = This term is used for a group in Active Directory.
user = Means a user which exists in Active Directory.
username or login = Depending on Task 1 Number 6 the attribute you used for login.
assigned group = Means that a user is member of a group in Active Directory
assigned role = Means that a user is member of a role in yii2
How it works in short words with the default settings
If you successfully finished task 1 imagine the login form which you reach over the Login Button in the right upper corner.
If you leave the default configuration, the following is happening on login (and I think it most suites):
- On Login a LDAP query is issued to get the user from Active Directory, if it not exists in database the user is created.
- On Login a LDAP query is issued to get the account status of the user, if the account status is active the login is possible.
- On Login the group to role assignment is refreshed with the following settings
- No role has to be assingned to the user for a successfull login
- For Active Directory groups starting with yii2 or app and matching a existing role name in yii2, the role is assigned to the user automatically
- Only roles which are starting with yii2 or app are added or removed from the user, other roles would not be touched
For a working group to role assignment you have to create the roles in yii2! The roles would NOT be automatically created.
In Step 10 of Task 1 you are have already done a successfull login hopefully. But the problem is that every user in Active Directory with a valid password and active account now can login in yii2. Thats not a good solution!
Before you continue read the the commets in source code starting at line 161 "Constants starting with GROUP_ASSIGNMENT_****" (/src/model/UserDbLdap.php#L161).
Now add the following to your config/params.php
return [
'LDAP-Group-Assignment-Options' => [
'LOGIN_POSSIBLE_WITH_ROLE_ASSIGNED_MATCHING_REGEX' => "/^(yii2|app)(.*)/", // a role has to be assigned, which is starting with yii2 or with app
'REGEX_GROUP_MATCH_IN_LDAP' => "/^(yii2|app)(.*)/", // Active Directory groups beginning with yii2 or app are filtered and if a yii2 role with the same name exists the role would be added to the user
'ADD_GROUPS_FROM_LDAP_MATCHING_REGEX' => true, //add matches between groups and roles to the user
'REMOVE_ALL_GROUPS_NOT_FOUND_IN_LDAP' => false, //Don't remove rules which does not belong to the regex above
'REMOVE_ONLY_GROUPS_MATCHING_REGEX' => true, //Only remove groups matching regex REGEX_GROUP_MATCH_IN_LDAP
'SEARCH_NESTED_GROUPS' => false, //Only check directly assigned groups to the Active Directory user object.
The configuration does the same as the default configuration with one exception!
- The LOGIN_POSSIBLE_WITH_ROLE_ASSIGNED_MATCHING_REGEX is not null. Now only users with roles assigned beginning with yii2 OR app can login!
If you try to login again (please logout before) it will not work!
The answer is simple for two reasons:
- You don't have a group in Active Directory which name is starting with yii2 and thus the user is not a member of such a group
- yii2 has no corresponding role
Look into the source code of the function actionCreateExampleRole (/src/commands/LdapController.php).
As you can see two permissions are created (permissionDisplayDetailedAbout, permissionToUseContanctPage) and assigend to the role yii2_example_group. One addiontinal permission permissionToSeeHome is created and assigned to the role yii2_see_home_group.
Open a shell or a cmd and change to the base directory of your yii2 installation (where the composer.json is located).
Type in your shell:
cd C:\xampp\htdocs\basic
yii ldapcmd/create-example-role
!!!! TODO !!!!
Tow roles with the name yii2_example_group and yii2_see_home_group were created
in yii2.
Please create the groups with the same name in Active Directory.
Assign the user you are using for the login to this groups in Active Directory.
Now go to your Active Directory Management Console and create a group with the same name as the role (yii2_example_group). Make the user you are using for the login to a member of that group.
Now you can go to the login in page of your yii installation (see upper right corner of the website). Use the user which you are made to a member of the group yii2_example_group in Active Directory. If everythings okay you should see the username in upper right corner.
Open the file views/site/about.php
Place the following after the closing div tag or somewhere else in the file
if (\Yii::$app->user->can('permissionDisplayDetailedAbout')) {
echo "<h3>Here are some details, that are only visible if the login is successfull and the user has assigned the role <b>yii2_example_group</b>. After a successfull setup the group was assigned automatically</h3>";
The result: If you are not logged in your About Page should not display the text above. If you are logged in, the "Here are some details, ..." should be displayed.
Open the file controllers/SiteController.php Modify the function beaviors() as bellow:
public function behaviors()
return [
'access' => [
'class' => AccessControl::className(),
'only' => ['logout','contact','index'],
'rules' => [
'actions' => ['logout'],
'allow' => true,
'roles' => ['@'],
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['contact'],
'roles' => ['permissionToUseContanctPage'],
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['index'],
'roles' => ['permissionToSeeHome'],
The result: If you are not logged in and click on Home or Login, you should be redirected to the login page. If you are successfully logged in, the contact page should be displayed!
If you are logged in and click on Home, you should get a 403 error.
Because the user is only member in yii2_example_group, which has the permission (permissionDisplayDetailedAbout, permissionToUseContanctPage) assigned.
To view the Home screen the permission permissionToSeeHome is needed which is assigned to role yii2_see_home_group.
To get this role go to your Active Directory Management Console and create a group with the same name as the role (yii2_see_home_group). Make the user you are using for the login to a member of that group.
Have fun with your Active Directory integration!