This starter is compatible with spring boot 2.x!
implementation "gg.jte:jte-spring-boot-starter-2:INSERT_LATEST_VERSION"
implementation "gg.jte:jte:INSERT_LATEST_VERSION"
The starter configures a ViewResolver and a jte Template engine.
Now you can return a string, pointing to template file name and the resolver will take care to instantiate the view and render the template.
By default, the templates are expected at src/main/jte
@import com.example.demo.DemoModel
@param DemoModel model
Hello ${model.text}!
public String view(Model model, HttpServletResponse response) {
model.addAttribute("model", new DemoModel("Hello World"));
return "demo";
You can use it with Spring WebMVC as well as with Spring WebFlux.
By default, the template files are expected in src/main/jte
If any active profile is named prod the template engine will be configured to use precompiled templates otherwise the jte file watcher will watch for changes in templates and recompile them.
Both options can be changed via