You want to try out hadoop 2.3? Go to the zoo and shave a yak. Or simply just use docker.
docker run -i -t sequenceiq/hadoop-docker /etc/ -bash
You can run one of the stock examples:
# run the mapreduce
bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.3.0.jar grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+'
# check the output
bin/hdfs dfs -cat output/*
I had problems installing hadoop 2.3 and by googling i stumbled upon this email thread, which references an alternative hadoop docs deployed on github.
By following that description i run into an other issue: hadoop is delivered with 32 bit native libraries. No big deal ...
Of course there is an official Native Libraries Guide it instructs you
to simple download the sources and mvn package
. But than you face a new issue: missing protobuf
. Eeeasy ...
Unfortunately yum install protobuf
installs an older 2.3 version, which is close but no cigar.
So you download protobuf source, and ./configure && make && make install
To succeed on that one you have to install a couple of development packages, and there you go.
I wanted to save you those steps so created a binary distro of the native libs compiled with 64 bit CentOS. So I created Bintray r̨epo. Enjoy
As I'm an automation fetishist, a Docker file was created, and released in the official docker repo
It is possible to add libraries to the classpath of a yarn container, by passing an environment variable as follows:
docker run -e "ACP=$ACP" -t -d -h sandbox --name sandbox my-sandbox /etc/ -bash
The ACP environment variable is a comma separated list of urls where the needed resources can be downloaded from. Libraries are copied to the $HADOOP_PREFIX/share/hadoop/common/ folder.