To use this module, you need to
- create your graphene schema
- create your controller to expose your GraphQL endpoint, and optionally a GraphiQL IDE.
This module does not attempt to expose the whole Odoo object model. This could be the purpose of another module based on this one. We believe however that it is preferable to expose a specific well tested endpoint for each customer, so as to reduce coupling by knowing precisely what is exposed and needs to be tested when upgrading Odoo.
To start working with this module, we recommend the following approach:
- Learn GraphQL basics
- Learn graphene, the python library used to create GraphQL schemas and resolvers.
- Examine the
module in this repo, copy it, adapt the controller to suit your needs (routes, authentication methods). - Start building your own schema and resolver.
The schema can be built using native graphene types.
An odoo.addons.graphql_base.types.OdooObjectType
is provided as a convenience. It is a graphene ObjectType
with a
default attribute resolver which:
- converts False to None (except for Boolean types), to avoid Odoo's weird
strings being rendered as json"false"
; - adds the user timezone to Datetime fields;
- raises an error if an attribute is absent to avoid field name typing errors.
The module provides an odoo.addons.graphql_base.GraphQLControllerMixin
class to help you build GraphQL controllers providing GraphiQL and/or GraphQL
from odoo import http
from odoo.addons.graphql_base import GraphQLControllerMixin
from ..schema import schema
class GraphQLController(http.Controller, GraphQLControllerMixin):
# The GraphiQL route, providing an IDE for developers
@http.route("/graphiql/demo", auth="user")
def graphiql(self, **kwargs):
return self._handle_graphiql_request(schema)
# The graphql route, for applications.
# Note csrf=False: you may want to apply extra security
# (such as origin restrictions) to this route.
@http.route("/graphql/demo", auth="user", csrf=False)
def graphql(self, **kwargs):
return self._handle_graphql_request(schema)