This is guid to setup ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and kibana) monitoring tool to monitor ICAPeg
2.Configure Logstash With ICAPeg Logs
You can download and install ELK from official website :
Follow setup instruction then start running Elasticsearch and kibana
Create logstash.conf
file with this configurations:
input {
file {
type => "json"
codec => "json"
path => "<ICAPeg_Path>/logs/logs.json"
start_position => beginning
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["<ElasticSearch_Address>"]
index => "<Index_Name>"
Replace the following parts with correct data:
: The absolute path of ICAPeg directory ex: "/home/icapeg"
: The address of elasticsearch ex: "localhost:9200"
: The Elasticsearch index name that created ex: "ICAPeg-logs"
Go to logstsh Directory: Run
cd /usr/share/logstash
or go to logstash directory that you installed on. -
Run Logstash
sudo bin/logstash -f <logstash.conf path>
<logstash.conf path>
with the absolute path to logstash.conf
Now All stuff are working together, after any update on ICAPeg logs file will captured by Logstash and sored in Elasticsearch index.