Experience macOS just like before
Create *beautiful* command-line interfaces with Python
Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010.
Python Sorted Container Types: Sorted List, Sorted Dict, and Sorted Set
🚀 The TensorFlow Object Counting API is an open source framework built on top of TensorFlow and Keras that makes it easy to develop object counting systems!
Accounts for Django made beautifully simple
jQuery UI-powered auto-complete fields for ForeignKey, ManyToMany and text fields
Deploy django apps to Amazon EC2 with ONE command
django based mini framework inspired from sinatra. fully compatible with django.
A modern, geometric typeface by @chrismsimpson (last commit @ 85fa625 Jun 9, 2020 before deletion) Removed because of
Reusable application for Django introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements.
Thin wrapper around OVH's APIs. Handles all the hard work including credential creation and requests signing.
A set of Django template filters to make caring about typography on the web a bit easier.
Generate consistent easier-to-remember codenames from strings and numbers.
Collects WHOIS details for every IPv4 netblock. Reports supported via Elasticsearch.
django_inlines are for embedding anything you'd like into text in your django apps.
INACTIVE - - How to be a Web developer at Mozilla
Django reusable application for content categorization.
A collection of utility functions, template tags and miscellany that I use for my djangos. Might only be useful to me.