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Contributing to Noms

Install Go

First setup Go on your machine per

Don't forget to setup your $GOPATH and $BIN environment variables correctly. Everybody forgets that.

You can test your setup like so:

# This should print something
echo $GOPATH

# We need at least version 1.7
go version

Setup Noms Environment

Add NOMS_VERSION_NEXT=1 to your environment. The current trunk codebase is a development version of the format and this environment variable is a safety check to ensure people aren't accidentally using this development format against production servers.

Get and build Noms

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
go test


Noms is open source software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Contributing code

Due to legal reasons, all contributors must sign a contributor agreement, either for an individual or corporation, before a pull request can be accepted.


  • Use Go, JS, or Python.
  • Shell script is not allowed.

Coding style

Go error reporting

In general, for Public API in Noms, we use the Go-style of returning errors by default.

For non-exposed code, we do provide, and use, some wrappers to do Exception-style error handling. There must be an overriding rationale for using this style, however. One reason to use the Exception-style is that the current code doesn't know how to proceed and needs to panic, but you want to signal that a calling function somewhere up the stack might be able to recover from the failure and continue.

For these cases, please use the following family of functions to 'raise' a 'catchable' error (see go/d/try.go):

* d.PanicIfError()
* d.PanicIfTrue()
* d.PanicIfFalse()

You might see some old code that uses functions that seem similar starting with d.Chk, however we are going to remove those and don't want to use them for new code. See #3258 for details.

Submitting PRs

We follow a code review protocol dervied from the one that the Chromium team uses:

  1. Create a GitHub fork of the repo you want to modify (e.g., fork to<username>/noms).
  2. Add your own fork as a remote to your github repo: git remote add <username><username>/noms.
  3. Push your changes to a branch at your fork: git push <username> <branch>
  4. Create a PR using the branch you just created. Usually you can do this by just navigating to in a browser - GitHub recognizes the new branch and offers to create a PR for you.
  5. When you're ready for review, make a comment in the issue asking for a review. Sometimes people won't review until you do this because we're not sure if you think the PR is ready for review.
  6. Iterate with your reviewer using the normal Github review flow.
  7. Once the reviewer is happy with the changes, they will submit them.

Running the tests

You can use go test command, e.g:

  • go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) should run every test except from vendor packages.

If you have commit rights, Jenkins automatically runs the Go tests on every PR, then every subsequent patch. To ask Jenkins to immediately run, any committer can reply (no quotes) "Jenkins: test this" to your PR.

Perf tests

By default, neither go test nor Jenkins run the perf tests, because they take a while.

To run the tests yourself, use the -perf and -v flag to go test, e.g.:

  • go test -v ./samples/go/csv/... -perf mem

See for full documentation and flags.

To ask Jenkins to run the perf tests for you, reply (no quotes) "Jenkins: perf this" to your PR. Your results will be viewable at$your-pull-request-number/csv-import. Again, only a committer can do this.