If you want to install my stuff, there are some dependences needed for everything to work.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elbachir-one/dotfiles/main/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
Note: Don't forget to change the username to your username and the cpu (amd or intel) The install script only works on Void Linux, and it's a personal script.
sudo xbps-install -Sy nerd-fonts-ttf feh xorg libXft-devel libX11-devel \
libXinerama-devel lsd mpv mpd ncmpcpp zathura neovim vim gvim newsboat picom \
alacritty lxappearance alsa-utils htop tmux ranger qutebrowser chromium ffmpeg \
rsync ueberzug mediainfo base-devel clang yt-dlp clipmenu wget curl tree nodejs \
jq fzf terminus-font scrot ninja networkmanager linux-lts harfbuzz-devel git \
cmake bash-completion noto-fonts-emoji
Note: Install dependences and copy what you need from the dotfiles.
doas pkg install nerd-fonts feh xorg mpv neovim vim git picom tmux chromium \
yt-dlp terminus-font bash noto-fonts-emoji
The main focus of my dotfiles is the use of Suckless utilities.
Patches included:
- Alpha
- Always center
- Attach bottom
- Azerty (Specific to my keyboard layout)
- Bar height
- Bar padding
- Bidi
- Cool auto start
- Cursor wrap
- Floating border colors
- Full screen
- Functional gaps
- Hide vacant tags
- Preserv on restart
- Scratch pads
- Swallow
- True centered title
- Window map
Keybindings used in my build of DWM:
- Open ST terminal: MODKEY + Shift + Return
- Launch Dmenu: MODKEY + p
- Tiling to Floating: MODKEY + Space
- Restart or Quit DWM: MODKEY + q
- Close any Window: MODKEY + Shift + c
- Scratchpad: MODKEY + s
For more details see the web page.
cd ~/dotfiles/suckless/dwm/
sudo make clean install
Patches included:
- Alpha
- Any size
- Box draw
- Clipboard
- Copy URL
- Desktop entry
- Font 2
- Glyph
- Ligatures box draw
- Scroll + Mouse + Inc
cd ~/dotfiles/suckless/st/
sudo make clean install
Patches included:
cd ~/dotfiles/suckless/dmenu/
sudo make clean install
The src directory contains some Wayland stuff, like dwl or dmenu for Wayland. If you want to use my build of DWL, first check the version of Wlroots available for your system. This build is specific to Wlroots 17.
Patches included:
Install all dependences:
sudo xbps-install wlroots wlroots-devel wayland-protocols wbg wlr-randr xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
sudo pacman -S wlroots wayland-protocols xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
cd ~/dotfiles/src/dwl/
sudo make clean install
Note: Keybindings are the same as my DWM.
Install dependences: meson, ninja.
cd ~/dotfiles/src/dmenu-wayland/
mkdir build
meson build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
Patches included:
cd ~/dotfiles/src/dwl-bar/
sudo make clean install
Share the dots if you find them interesting.
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