PMM Framework
This script enables one to quickly setup a Percona Monitoring and Management environment. One can setup a PMM server and quickly add multiple clients.
PMM Framework usage info
Usage: [ options ]
--setup This will setup and configure a PMM server
--addclient=ps,2 Add Percona (ps), MySQL (ms), MariaDB (md), Percona XtraDB Cluster (pxc), and/or mongodb (mo) pmm-clients to the currently live PMM server (as setup by --setup)
You can add multiple client instances simultaneously. eg : --addclient=ps,2 --addclient=ms,2 --addclient=md,2 --addclient=mo,2 --addclient=pxc,3
--download This will help us to download pmm client binary tar balls
--ps-version Pass Percona Server version info
--ms-version Pass MySQL Server version info
--md-version Pass MariaDB Server version info
--pxc-version Pass Percona XtraDB Cluster version info
--mo-version Pass MongoDB Server version info
--mongo-with-rocksdb This will start mongodb with rocksdb engine
--replcount You can configure multiple mongodb replica sets with this oprion
--with-replica This will configure mongodb replica setup
--with-shrading This will configure mongodb shrading setup
--add-docker-client Add docker pmm-clients with percona server to the currently live PMM server
--list List all client information as obtained from pmm-admin
--wipe-clients This will stop all client instances and remove all clients from pmm-admin
--wipe-docker-clients This will stop all docker client instances and remove all clients from docker container
--wipe-server This will stop pmm-server container and remove all pmm containers
--wipe This will wipe all pmm configuration
--dev When this option is specified, PMM framework will use the latest PMM development version. Otherwise, the latest 1.0.x version is used
--pmm-server-username User name to access the PMM Server web interface
--pmm-server-password Password to access the PMM Server web interface
--pmm-server=[docker|ami|ova] Choose PMM server appliance, default pmm server appliance is docker
--ami-image Pass PMM server ami image name
--key-name Pass your aws access key file name
--ova-image Pass PMM server ova image name
--compare-query-count This will help us to compare the query count between PMM client instance and PMM QAN/Metrics page
Initialize PMM server
This framework will support all three PMM server appliances using --pmm-server=[docker|ami|ova]. Default PMM server appliance is docker
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ ~/percona-qa/pmm-tests/ --setup
Would you like to enable SSL encryption to protect PMM from unauthorized access[y/n] ? n
Initiating PMM configuration
Initiating PMM client configuration
OK, PMM server is alive.
PMM Server |
Client Name | qaserver-03
Client Address |
Please execute below command to access docker container
docker exec -it pmm-server bash
PMM landing page
Query Analytics (QAN web app)
Metrics Monitor (Grafana)
Metrics Monitor username admin
Metrics Monitor password admin
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ sudo docker ps
0cc9c6fa57a5 percona/pmm-server:1.2.0 "/opt/" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>80/tcp, 443/tcp pmm-server
Configure client instances to PMM server
With --addclient option we can add multiple client instances to PMM server. Currently, the framework supports Percona Server, Percona XtraDB Cluster, MySQL, MariaDB and MongoDB instances.
PS: Client instance should be in binary tarball format. Make sure to download binary tarballs in your work directory before configuring client instances.
You can also use --download option to download binary tar ball from respective location. Also use --[ps|ms|md|pxc|mo]-version to get specific client instance version.
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ ~/percona-qa/pmm-tests/ --addclient=ps,2 --addclient=ms,2
User 'admin' is already present in MySQL server. Please create Orchestrator user manually.
[linux:metrics] OK, now monitoring this system.
[mysql:metrics] OK, now monitoring MySQL metrics using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
[mysql:queries] OK, now monitoring MySQL queries from perfschema using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
Orchestrator username : admin
Orchestrator password : passw0rd
[linux:metrics] OK, already monitoring this system.
[mysql:metrics] OK, now monitoring MySQL metrics using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_2.sock)
[mysql:queries] OK, now monitoring MySQL queries from perfschema using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_2.sock)
User 'admin' is already present in MySQL server. Please create Orchestrator user manually.
[linux:metrics] OK, already monitoring this system.
[mysql:metrics] OK, now monitoring MySQL metrics using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_1.sock)
[mysql:queries] OK, now monitoring MySQL queries from perfschema using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_1.sock)
User 'admin' is already present in MySQL server. Please create Orchestrator user manually.
[linux:metrics] OK, already monitoring this system.
[mysql:metrics] OK, now monitoring MySQL metrics using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_2.sock)
[mysql:queries] OK, now monitoring MySQL queries from perfschema using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_2.sock)
Compare query count
Using --compare-query-count we can compare the query count between PMM client instance and PMM QAN/Metrics page. This option will compare query from both query sources performance schema and slowlog.
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ ~/percona-qa/pmm-tests/ --addclient=ps,1 --compare-query-count
WARNING! Another mysqld process using /tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock
[linux:metrics] OK, now monitoring this system.
[mysql:metrics] OK, now monitoring MySQL metrics using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
[mysql:queries] OK, now monitoring MySQL queries from perfschema using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
[linux:metrics] OK, already monitoring this system.
[mysql:metrics] OK, now monitoring MySQL metrics using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
[mysql:queries] OK, now monitoring MySQL queries from slowlog using DSN root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
Initializing query count testing
Running first set INSERT statement execution
Sleeping 60 secs
INSERT INTO test.t1 .. query count between 2017-08-09 04:21:52 and 2017-08-09 04:22:14
| INSERT INTO `test` . `t1` ( `str` ) VALUES (?) | 464 | 464 |
Running second set INSERT statement execution
Sleeping 60 secs
INSERT INTO test.t1 .. query count between 2017-08-09 04:21:52 and 2017-08-09 04:23:27
| INSERT INTO `test` . `t1` ( `str` ) VALUES (?) | 734 | 270 |
Running third set INSERT statement execution
Sleeping 60 secs
INSERT INTO test.t1 .. query count between 2017-08-09 04:21:52 and 2017-08-09 04:25:07
| INSERT INTO `test` . `t1` ( `str` ) VALUES (?) | 1510 | 776 |
Running fourth set INSERT statement execution
Sleeping 60 secs
INSERT INTO test.t1 .. query count between 2017-08-09 04:21:52 and 2017-08-09 04:26:45
| INSERT INTO `test` . `t1` ( `str` ) VALUES (?) | 2301 | 791 |
INSERT INTO test.t1 .. query count from pmm client instance PS_NODE-1 (Performance Schema).
| sum(query_count) |
| 2129 |
INSERT INTO test.t1 .. query count from pmm client instance SHADOW_NODE (Slow log).
| sum(query_count) |
| 2700 |
Please compare these query count with QAN/Metrics webpage
Use --list to view all PMM clients instance
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ ~/percona-qa/pmm-tests/ --list
pmm-admin 1.2.0
PMM Server |
Client Name | qaserver-03
Client Address |
Service Manager | linux-systemd
-------------- ---------- ----------- -------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
-------------- ---------- ----------- -------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
mysql:queries PS_NODE-2 - YES root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_2.sock) query_source=perfschema, query_examples=true
mysql:queries MS_NODE-1 - YES root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_1.sock) query_source=perfschema, query_examples=true
mysql:queries MS_NODE-2 - YES root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_2.sock) query_source=perfschema, query_examples=true
mysql:queries PS_NODE-1 - YES root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock) query_source=perfschema, query_examples=true
linux:metrics PS_NODE-1 42000 YES -
mysql:metrics PS_NODE-1 42002 YES root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
mysql:metrics PS_NODE-2 42003 YES root:***@unix(/tmp/PS_NODE_2.sock)
mysql:metrics MS_NODE-1 42004 YES root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_1.sock)
mysql:metrics MS_NODE-2 42005 YES root:***@unix(/tmp/MS_NODE_2.sock)
Clean framework configuration
i) --wipe-clients This will stop all client instances and remove all clients from pmm-admin
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ ~/percona-qa/pmm-tests/ --wipe-clients
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/PS_NODE_2.sock)
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/MS_NODE_2.sock)
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/MS_NODE_1.sock)
Removing all local pmm client instances
ii) --wipe-server This will stop pmm-server container and remove all pmm containers
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ ~/percona-qa/pmm-tests/ --wipe-server
Removing pmm-server docker containers
iii) --wipe This will wipe all pmm configuration
ramesh@qaserver-03:~/pmmwork$ ~/percona-qa/pmm-tests/ --wipe
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/PS_NODE_2.sock)
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/PS_NODE_1.sock)
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/MS_NODE_2.sock)
Shutting down mysql instance (--socket=/tmp/MS_NODE_1.sock)
Removing all local pmm client instances
Removing pmm-client instances from docker containers
Removing pmm-client docker containers
Removing pmm-server docker containers