- fix bizcharts error can't be fresh.
- dataview datasource length is 0,show placeholder.
- fix chart forceFit is false
- data=[], legend tail bug
- fix issue-590
- 饼图数据为空时,报错。
- 韦恩图VennChart 接口变更支持。
- feat(venn): venn geom label supports position adjusting
- feat(types): improve TooltipConfig type definition
- feat(types): add full LegendConfig.position enums.
- fix: label should keep default textStyle when textStyle is a function and returns null.
- fix: 兼容,legend实例attr中存在x与y而canvas形式中是通过group获取的兼容.
- fix(scale): Scale config should be effective when data is null or data length is 0.
- fix(legend): fix the scale alias for mixed legend does not work.
- fix(tooltip): Added line to TooltipConfig crosshairs type
- fix(Scale): 线性缩放时,需要深拷贝scale配置.
- fix: auto padding blocks axis title.
- fix(schema): use cfg.color for lineAttrs.stroke if available.
- fix(HtmlTooltip): 在特定场景下HtmlTooltip.hide()时大概率获取不到container
- fix(label): show label for heatmap.
- fix: Use cfg.color for lineAttrs.stroke if available.
- fix: issue-1167 还原格式化.
- fix: when guide.html() is defined, legends is not in view.
- fix: bug in guide.
- fix: *.d.ts: Shape.registerShape and BashView.coord declare
- revert chart data update, have no animation.
- fix legend ts position props.
- fix chart data update, have no animation.
- fix(chart): auto padding with more accurate backPlot range.
- fix: applyMatrix when calculating bbox of axis title
- fix(chart): auto padding with more accurate backPlot range.
- clearInteraction不能清除scrollBar的bug
- fix pie-label adjustItems offset err
- All tracking code is removed, no more unexpected remote request will be sent.
- fix(interval): error bar filling issue.
- fix(schema): error bar can't show
- fix(scale & filter): remove min max limit if field filtered
- fix(shape): liquid fill shapes should use hollow shape styles by default,
- fix(tooltip): 正确清除 markers
- geom opacity is function
- tooltip crosshair style & dark theme tooltip
- update @antv/compnent0.2.7, fix pie label bug
- chore(demo): add some guide demos.
- chore(dev): @babel/env => @babel/preset-env
- chore(dev): add scripts for npm run pixel-test
- chore(dev): update issue templates
- chore: modify components reference
- feat(theme): add chart view theme to tooltip
- feat: add default style for guide component.
- feat: add label type: interval
- feat: component legend
- feat: demo for custom html legend. fix: custom html and htmlpage category legend
- feat: double direction interaction (from chart to legend)
- feat: legend component html scroll
- feat: legend demos
- feat: legend-component, html controller, offset
- feat: mini tooltip
- feat: tooltip controller module import
- refactor(axis): AxisController
- refactor(demo): modify demos' styles
- refactor(demo): modify html tooltip styles
- refactor(geom-labels): merge master
- refactor(legend): update demo html style
- refactor(tooltip): modify tooltip marker style
- refactor: adapt to new guide components.
- refactor: better guide.render().
- refactor: modify some test case with Labels
- refactor: tooltip controller
- refactor: use @antv/components to render label instead of Labels
- refactor: use components to render label instead of
- refator: modify label callback args to fields
- revert: remove polar coordinate support
- test(bin): add scripts for npm run pixel-test
- test: add Node.js 10
- test: delete some tests; fix: @antv/component/lib
- test: legend controller
- fix(area): modify default style of area
- fix(area): remove default fillOpacity from area shape
- fix(axis): clear axis component correctly in axisController
- fix(axis): set default label offset to 8px
- fix(dev): require lib version instead of src
- fix(geom-labels): add unit test of scaled coord labels
- fix(geom-labels): change label dependency to lib
- fix(geom-labels): fix callback value type
- fix(geom-labels): fix default label textStyle sometimes doesn't work
- fix(geom-labels): fix label dependency
- fix(geom-labels): fix label offset format to match with component
- fix(geom-labels): fix offset exception when coord is scaled
- fix(geom-labels): fix polygon label position calculation
- fix(geom-labels): fix transposed text align logic
- fix(geom-labels): modify label position calculation when geom is polygon
- fix(geom-labels): resume drawLines
- fix(label): merge labelLine only if a value is assigned to it
- fix(legend): fix default style of color-legend demo
- fix(legend): fix default style of legend marker of area
- fix(legend): fix default style of legend marker of area & demo styles
- fix(legend): marker for area should be a closed path
- fix(pie-label): fix labelLine end point error
- fix(test): auto padding in ci evironment
- fix(tooltip): fixed tooltip won't hide when plotleave fired
- fix(tooltip): should not merge viewTheme into default tooltip cfg again
- fix(tooltip): viewTheme in controller
- fix(tooltip):mini-tooltip flash
- fix: configuration to control the interaction from chart to legend -- reactive [boolean]
- fix: fix polar labels don't work
- fix: html legend filter
- fix: scales to scale
- fix: viewTheme
- add chart forceUpdate prop.
- add animate false test lib
- chore(dev): coord as an interval dependency
- chore(dev): upgrade babel
- chore(dev): upgrade dataset, support grouped KED transform
- feat(geom): support dodge adjust for violin geom
- feat(geom): support violin
- feat(geom): violin geom supports smooth/smoothHollow shapes
- feat(guide): add start,end support
- refactor(arc): sort out codes related to Math
- refactor(polar): add endAngle until endAngle > startAngle
- fix(Global): G2.Global.animate setting is not working,
- fix(arc): fix unable to draw circle
- fix(arc): when start and end is equal, it should not be a circle
- fix(chart): getSnapRecords for points.
- fix(dev): upgrade babel preset env for torchjs
- fix(label): modify unit tests of label rotation
- fix(label): stop setting rotation in attr(), use shape.transform instead
- fix(legend):field option error
- fix(liquidfill): clip shape should not be added into group
- fix(polar): add endAngle until endAngle > startAngle
- fix(polar): avoid possible exception when startAngle > endAngle
- fix: add unit test of Polar coord when startAngle > endAngle
- fix: add unit test of drawing arc
- fix: modify test case accordingly
- fix: resume origin code of direction
- fix: 修复shared为false,tooltip不随动的bug
- fix: 修改tooltip方法,旧的存在bug,导致typscript报错,无法使用第一个方法。
- add chart forceUpdate prop.
- fix(chart): downlownImage not working in svg context
- fix(event): fixed bug of guide-line click
- fix(g): avoid initializing matrix again, use reset instead
- fix(g): new a rect as clip instead of add the shape into a group
- fix(legend): fix continuous error position when useHtml is true
- fix(legend): slider mousemove events under the condition that legend container is a seperate canvas
- fix(region-filter): 判断layer销毁不执行创建shape的行为
- fix(tooltip): fixed tooltip bug of enterable feature
- fix(tooltip, event): fix plotleave and tooltip hide bugs
- chore(dev): remove svg-related building code
- chore(dev): update g and interaction
- chore(test): fixing test cases for new renderer
- chore(tooltip): blockTooltipChange -> stopTooltip
- feat(renderer): chart scope renderer switching
- feat(tooltip): add blockTooltipChange state
- feat(track): add trackingInfo for product analysis
- refactor(g): change __attrs to _attrs in tests
- fix testDemo bugs: dataChange,data change lodash isEqual error.
- after padding change, guide disappear.
- after geom label content change, change padding, geom label content change as before.
- feat(tooltip): support custom format
- add RegionFilter, DataMarker, DataRegion components
- add Guide Map demos
- support chart render svg
- fix(legend): constrain size legend scroll bar size
- fix(tooltip): tooltip style in firefox,
- fix(tooltip): Theme.tooltipMarker invalid.
- fix(legend): mouseover on customized legend title does not throw.
- update to g2 3.2.7-beta.5
- support svg render for chart
- add bizcharts track info
- update to g2 3.2.5
- reset g2 to 3.1.2
- fix 370, 365, 312
- update to g2 3.2.0-beta.1
- support render chart as svg
- according to the need load resources
- fix #204 #318 #327
- fix main Entrance
- up g2 version
- fix ts issue
- fix package browser module
- fix issue 244\249\210
- add types in package.json.
- update g2 3.0.5-beta.5
- fix types g2 ts.index path.
- delete no need console logs.
- update g2 3.0.5-beta.4
- when props change nothing, bizcharts will not repaint chart.
- fix node-env development do not use prop-types as external lib.
- bizcharts/umd do not use prop-types as external lib.
- fix issue 184, 99, 174, 164
- update g2 3.0.5-beta.4
- delete array.prototype find, and use for in to find
- update g2 3.0.5-beta.1
- Compatible with ie10&9
- update g2 3.0.4
- fix
prop update.
- update g2 3.0.4-beta.4.
- when data=null show g2 axis.
the release version which compate react16.
delete the no need dependence react-dom. fix alibaba#67
fixed update padding over and over again, geoms will be null.
upgrade g2 version to 3.0.4-beta.2. fixed resize and update padding in the same time, g2 crash.
fix <Axis visible={false}>
do not work.
add placeholder property to handle data is null.
Compatible with react16 version. The use of facet changes, see facet api doc.
Synchronization to g2 3.0.1 release version.
fix chart invalid onPlotClick event.
fix when resize chart container size, chart's label will be drawed twice.
修复包入口,改为打包后的 umd 格式文件。 修改 Readme.md, 加入中英文双语介绍。
修复 3.0.0 导出问题,使用时需要 BizCharts.default.Chart。 修复后直接可以 BizCharts.Chart 这样使用。