This folder contains a small nodeJS transpiler that uses templates to generate Geometric Algebra implementations for c++, c#, rust and python. It supports any signature and provides a clean reference implementation with operator overloading and flat storage.
To be able to compile for all languages, you need :
- nodeJS 11
- mono
- c++ (>11)
- python
- rust (nightly) (run "rustup default nightly" in the project folder)
With those installed, simply run make
If you wish to generate and compile for only some of these languages or algebras, run something like
make GEN_LANG="csharp cpp python rust" c hyperbolic dual r2 r3 mink quat r111 spacetime cga pga3d
with languages or algebras you don't need removed from the command parameters.
For example, if you only want pga3d for rust, just run:
make GEN_LANG="rust" pga3d
The cpp, csharp, rust and python folder contain the pregenerated files for the following algebras :
sig | filename | name |
0,1 | c | complex numbers |
1,0 | hyperbolic | hyperbolic numbers |
0,0,1 | dual | dual numbers |
2,0 | r2 | 2D Vectors |
3,0 | r3 | 3D Vectors |
1,1 | mink | Minkowski |
0,2 | quat | Quaternion |
3,1 | spacetime | Spacetime |
4,1 | cga | Conformal Geometric Algebra |
3,0,1 | pga3d | Projective Geometric Algebra |
language | author |
c++ | Steven De Keninck |
c# | Frank Verheyen |
rust | Utensil Song |
python | Steven De Keninck |
Feel free, and reach out for help if needed !