An official single-page sample application built on React. Pulls content from the Kentico Cloud Sample project.
An official single-page sample application built on Vue.js. Pulls content from the Kentico Cloud sample project.
A community-made sample Angular application. Pulls and displays strongly-typed content from Kentico Cloud.
A community-made sample Angular Universal application. Showcases pre-rendering and SSR using delivery-js-sdk
in combination with kentico-cloud-angular-http-service
package that uses Angular's built-in http client.
A community-made bare-bones application built using plain JavaScript and Browserify.
A demonstration of the Dancing Goat sample site running on Express.js and using Pug templates.
A simple example of including the SDK in plain HTML using unpkg.
A simple example of including the SDK and RxJS in plain HTML using UMD.
A simple example of including the SDK in plain HTML using UMD (no RxJS, only promises).