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# Mini-EDSAC

## Notes from 19 Oct 2017

Update to biloader.c. Earlier version immediately closed the device after
writing data.  This caused the last few bytes to be discarded, rather than
sent, and the loader was simply waiting for these last few bytes.

I've now added a call to =tcdrain()= to my code before the close, and this has
cured it for me.

Attached is my C code - it's fairly simple. Just type:

    biloader filename

(feel free to think of a better name!).
By default it writes to /dev/ttyACM0, but you can override this with

biloader -D /dev/ttyACM1 filename

or whatever device you have. If you regularly use some other port then
you can type:

    export BIPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0

or whatever.

Note that this version uses threads, and so compile with -lpthread.
Feel free to adapt or pass on to anyone that could use it.



## Notes from 12 Sep 2017

This is the extended Mini-EDSAC implementation for the
MyStorm BlackIce board. This implements the basic Mini-EDSAC
as used at ChipHack 2017, with extensions as proposed in my
talk to add the B-Line register and associated orders.

The Makefile should compile the code ready for downloading
to the BlackIce board. You can type either:
   make mini	to make the basic (without extensions)
   make minib	to make it with the extensions.

To run it you need to run miniserve on the PC (or Mac).
That now lives in a separate folder (Programs) along with
test and demo programs.

Upload the binary with either:
       make upload     for the basic version, or
       make uploadb    for the exetnded version

To run the squares demo, cd to the Programs folder and
	./miniserve -t squares.txt

Have fun!

Bill		12th September, 2017