A clean implementaation of Mi Band 2 library for Browsers and Node.js, using WebBluetooth API.
- Authentication
- Device info: time, battery status, hw/sw versions, etc.
- Button tap event
- Notifications: message, phone, vibrate
- Heart Rate Monitor
- Realtime data (soon)
It's best to unbind your Mi Band 2 from MiFit App first.
You should be able to bind it back again, but no guaranee here ;)
Head to https://tiny.cc/miband-js
You need a browser with WebBluetooth support. Tested with:
- Chrome on OS X (Yosemite or later)
- Chrome on Android (6.0 Marshmallow or later)
- Chrome on Windows 10 and Linux (the
flag must be enabled)
npm install -g https://github.com/vshymanskyy/miband-js.git
This should work on Windows, Linux and OSX.
On Linux, you need to grant Bluetooth access for Node.js:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)
const MiBand = require('miband');
const device = await bluetooth.requestDevice({
filters: [
{ services: [ MiBand.advertisementService ] }
optionalServices: MiBand.optionalServices
const server = await device.gatt.connect();
let miband = new MiBand(server);
await miband.init();
log('Notifications demo...')
await miband.showNotification('message');
For more API examples, see https://github.com/vshymanskyy/miband-js/blob/master/src/test.js
Please check out DEVELOPMENT.md