Defines a Display struct which defines the way an Object should be displayed. The intention is to keep data as independent from its display as possible, protecting the development process and keeping it separate from the ecosystem agreements.
Each of the fields of the Display object should allow for pattern substitution and filling-in the pieces using the data from the object T.
More entry functions might be added in the future depending on the use cases.
- Resource
- Struct
- Struct
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
use 0x1::string;
use 0x2::event;
use 0x2::object;
use 0x2::package;
use 0x2::transfer;
use 0x2::tx_context;
use 0x2::vec_map;
The Display object. Defines the way a T instance should be displayed. Display object can only be created and modified with a PublisherCap, making sure that the rules are set by the owner of the type.
Each of the display properties should support patterns outside of the system, making it simpler to customize Display based on the property values of an Object.
// Example of a display object
Display<0x...::capy::Capy> {
<name, "Capy { genes }">
<link, "{ id }">
<image, "{ id }/svg">
<description, "Lovely Capy, one of many">
Uses only String type due to external-facing nature of the object, the property names have a priority over their types.
struct Display<T: key> has store, key
id: object::UID
fields: vec_map::VecMap<string::String, string::String>
- Contains fields for display. Currently supported fields are: name, link, image and description.
version: u16
- Version that can only be updated manually by the Publisher.
Event: emitted when a new Display object has been created for type T. Type signature of the event corresponds to the type while id serves for the discovery.
Since Sui RPC supports querying events by type, finding a Display for the T
would be as simple as looking for the first event with Display<T>
struct DisplayCreated<T: key> has copy, drop
id: object::ID
Version of Display got updated -
struct VersionUpdated<T: key> has copy, drop
id: object::ID
version: u16
fields: vec_map::VecMap<string::String, string::String>
For when T does not belong to the package Publisher
const ENotOwner: u64 = 0;
For when vectors passed into one of the multiple insert functions don't match in their lengths.
const EVecLengthMismatch: u64 = 1;
Create an empty Display object. It can either be shared empty or filled
with data right away via cheaper set_owned
public fun new<T: key>(pub: &package::Publisher, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): display::Display<T>
public fun new<T: key>(pub: &Publisher, ctx: &mut TxContext): Display<T> {
assert!(is_authorized<T>(pub), ENotOwner);
Create a new Display object with a set of fields.
public fun new_with_fields<T: key>(pub: &package::Publisher, fields: vector<string::String>, values: vector<string::String>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): display::Display<T>
public fun new_with_fields<T: key>(
pub: &Publisher, fields: vector<String>, values: vector<String>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): Display<T> {
let len = vector::length(&fields);
assert!(len == vector::length(&values), EVecLengthMismatch);
let i = 0;
let display = new<T>(pub, ctx);
while (i < len) {
add_internal(&mut display, *vector::borrow(&fields, i), *vector::borrow(&values, i));
i = i + 1;
Create a new empty Display object and keep it.
public entry fun create_and_keep<T: key>(pub: &package::Publisher, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext)
entry public fun create_and_keep<T: key>(pub: &Publisher, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
transfer::public_transfer(new<T>(pub, ctx), sender(ctx))
Manually bump the version and emit an event with the updated version's contents.
public entry fun update_version<T: key>(display: &mut display::Display<T>)
entry public fun update_version<T: key>(
display: &mut Display<T>
) {
display.version = display.version + 1;
event::emit(VersionUpdated<T> {
version: display.version,
fields: *&display.fields,
id: object::uid_to_inner(&,
Sets a custom name
field with the value
public entry fun add<T: key>(self: &mut display::Display<T>, name: string::String, value: string::String)
entry public fun add<T: key>(self: &mut Display<T>, name: String, value: String) {
add_internal(self, name, value)
Sets multiple fields
with values
public entry fun add_multiple<T: key>(self: &mut display::Display<T>, fields: vector<string::String>, values: vector<string::String>)
entry public fun add_multiple<T: key>(
self: &mut Display<T>, fields: vector<String>, values: vector<String>
) {
let len = vector::length(&fields);
assert!(len == vector::length(&values), EVecLengthMismatch);
let i = 0;
while (i < len) {
add_internal(self, *vector::borrow(&fields, i), *vector::borrow(&values, i));
i = i + 1;
Change the value of the field. TODO (long run): version changes;
public entry fun edit<T: key>(self: &mut display::Display<T>, name: string::String, value: string::String)
entry public fun edit<T: key>(self: &mut Display<T>, name: String, value: String) {
let (_, _) = vec_map::remove(&mut self.fields, &name);
add_internal(self, name, value)
Remove the key from the Display.
public entry fun remove<T: key>(self: &mut display::Display<T>, name: string::String)
entry public fun remove<T: key>(self: &mut Display<T>, name: String) {
vec_map::remove(&mut self.fields, &name);
Authorization check; can be performed externally to implement protection rules for Display.
public fun is_authorized<T: key>(pub: &package::Publisher): bool
public fun is_authorized<T: key>(pub: &Publisher): bool {
Read the version
public fun version<T: key>(d: &display::Display<T>): u16
Read the fields
public fun fields<T: key>(d: &display::Display<T>): &vec_map::VecMap<string::String, string::String>
Internal function to create a new Display<T>
fun create_internal<T: key>(ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): display::Display<T>
fun create_internal<T: key>(ctx: &mut TxContext): Display<T> {
let uid = object::new(ctx);
event::emit(DisplayCreated<T> {
id: object::uid_to_inner(&uid)
Display {
id: uid,
fields: vec_map::empty(),
version: 0,
Private method for inserting fields without security checks.
fun add_internal<T: key>(display: &mut display::Display<T>, name: string::String, value: string::String)
fun add_internal<T: key>(display: &mut Display<T>, name: String, value: String) {
vec_map::insert(&mut display.fields, name, value)