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Games, Issues, Agents, and Rules: How to create your own structured negotiation games!

Our negotiation protocol was designed to make it as easy as possible to experiment with custom negotiation scenarios without writing code. The only input needed comes in the form of simple .YAML files as described below.


A structured negotiation game consists of two agents playing a game according to some protocol. In our case, the agents are parameterized using language models (LM-agents). A game consists of a description, some issue(s), and a preference ordering. For example:

  • a. [game setting] Alice and Bob are ordering a pizza
  • b. [issues] How should they divide the slices? how much cheese should be on the pizza?
  • c. [issue preferences] How important is each issue to Alice/Bob?

games, issues, agents, and rules

The Game, Issues, Agent and Rules objects are all represented using simple .YAML files each detailed below. What is great about this setup, is that these objects can be reused and mixed for different scenarios. For example, an agent description for a skilled secret agent can be used both for the pizza game, or for a high-stakes hostage negotiation. Similarly, an issue describing 'service costs' can be used both for a rental agreement game or a loan agreement at a bank.

hydra (super basics)

We use hydra to standardize and scale experimentation. While hydra is awesome, it takes some time to get familiar with. We therefore tried to limit user exposure to the absolute bare minimum:

  rules: data/general_game_rules.yaml
  name: <data/games/your-game-file>.yaml                         # note: place your game-file under data/games/
  issues: [<your-issue-1>.yaml, <your-issue-2>.yaml]             # note: issue files should be placed under data/issues/
  issue_weights: # preference weights for each agent             # note: all-one weights means no preference
    - [1. 1]
    - [1, 1]
  scale:  # total utility available per agent across issues      # note: we default to 100 for easy interpretation
    - 100
    - 100

  agent_description: data/agents/<your-agent-file-1>
  generation_parameters: ${models_dir}/openai_35_0_0.yaml    # specify model you would like to use (data/model_settings/

  agent_description: data/agents/<your-agent-file-2>
  generation_parameters: ${models_dir}/openai_35_0_0.yaml

  start_agent_index: 0  # which agent should start the negotiations

There are two files of interest:

  • src/configs/experiments/<your-experiment>.yaml
  • src/configs/inference_root.yaml

The first describes the experiment you would like to run. The second points hydra to your experiment by modifying the following line:

  - _self_
  - hydra: inference
  - experiments: <your-experiment>

Simply hitting python src/ in the command line will run your experiment and save results to logs folder.

Game File

A game-file describes the setting of the negotiation game. As discussed in our work, different settings can lead to 'inter-game' bias. That is, even though two games might have the same underlying optimization problem, one might be perceived as easier or more difficult than the other. Changing game-file descriptions are a promising way to test how robust agent performance is. An example with the four required fields are shown below:

name: generic-loan-agreement
description: A loan officer at a bank and a prospective customer are negotiating an unsecured consumer loan agreement.
  - You are an advisor representing the best interests of the loan officer. 
  - You are an advisor representing the best interests of the prospective customer.
  - Loan Officer
  - Prospective Customer

In our work, we predominantly experimented with LM-agents taking the role of advisor. Setting the sides and parties fields to the same value will have the LM-agent negotiate on their own behalf (See data/games for more examples).


Most of the negotiations optimization problem is defined through Issues. Each issue represents a point to be negotiated and come in two forms:

  1. Distributive: agents have opposing interests, i.e. their payoff vectors are ordered opposite of each others.
  2. Compatible: agents have aligned interests, i.e., their payoff vectors are ordered in the same direction. An example with the mandatory fields is listed below:
name: service fees
issue_type: distributive
  - You have to negotiate the amount of service fees that will be charged monthly.
  - You have to negotiate the amount of service fees that will be charged monthly.
  - [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  - [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
  - ["$0", "$10", "$20", "$30", "$40", "$50", "$60", "$70", "$80", "$90", "$100"]
  - ["$0", "$10", "$20", "$30", "$40", "$50", "$60", "$70", "$80", "$90", "$100"]

To increase downstream parsing for resul evaluation, we recommend using simple payoff_lables. For example, instead of writing ['two hundred dollars', 'one hundred dollars'], try ['$200', '$100']. The more general you make the description, the more reusable your Issue becomes across different games (See data/issues for more examples).


For a number of reasons related to potential biases hidden in LMs, the default agents are only described as 'Representatives' of the negotiating parties (see data/agents/anon.yaml). It is easy to specify agent descriptions to simulate different scenarios. For example:

  name: John Doe
  gender: male
  profession: secret agent
  age: 35
  personality_type: calculated

  name: John Major
  gender: male
  age: early-thirties

Each agent has an internal_description that is only accessible to the agent itself. The external_desription on the other hand is also accessible to the opposing agent. For each, the name field is the only one required (See data/agents for more examples).

The Rules

The current rules are adapted from the famous 'Rio Copa' game [1], a negotiating protocol commonly used to simulate negotiations for didactic purposes at leading business schools:

rules_prompt: "Never forget the following negotiation rules:"
  - Your total payoff is the sum of your payoffs on all issues. Higher payoffs are better than lower payoffs.
  - A valid agreement occurs only when all issues are decided. Partial agreements result in a total payoff to you of zero.
  - You are not allowed to accept any agreement that results in a payoff less than zero.
  - You are not allowed to deviate from or innovate with the payoffs listed on the payoff table. In other words, you cannot change your payoffs.
  - No side payments are allowed. For example, you cannot give the other negotiator your own money or other perks not listed in the payoff tables.
  - You may describe issues and elaborate on them as you see fit. However, you are not allowed to invent additional issues.
  - Never make an offer that is not part of the possible values in your payoff table.

It is easy to extend and/or change these rules for whatever best fits your purpose. The current rules-file can be found under data/general_game_rules.yaml.

[1] Robert Bontempo and Shanto Iyengar. Rio copa: A negotiation simulation. Columbia Caseworks, 2008


Other files of interest that can be modified are:

  • message_prompts/
  • note_prompts/
  • offer_extraction_prompts/
  • negotiation_defaults.yaml

The first two folders contain prompts used to dictate how LM-agents should construct notes and messages. The current defaults were heavily tested. That being said, due to the fickle nature of prompt-engineering - it might very well be that you can improve the desired behavior by modifying these.

Similarly, the prompts used in the offer_extraction_prompts/ folder guide how and LM should extract offers from the notes and messages generated by the LM-agents. These examples currently account for several error-correcting scenarios. A known limitation, is that the error-correction is currently 'too good', in that it obfuscates certain rule violations. For example, a valid offer might be one of {100, 200}, and the agent offers 180 instead. In this case, the offer extraction LM will 'correct' the offer to be 200. A better extractor would extract both the original, as well as the corrected offer value.

Finally, the negotiation_defaults.yaml file is used to set defaults in the experiment config files. This is to prevent having to specify each field for each experiment.