Locally mirror your delicious links, then search them. Example:
dels <search query>
gem sources --add http://gemcutter.org gem install delicious-cli
epi@fizz$ dels -c Delicious login info --------------------------- Username: mydeliciouslogin Password: mypassword User: "mydeliciouslogin" | Pass: "mypassword" Is this correct? [y/N] y * Checking that login/password works... |_ Login successful! Saving config...
epi@fizz$ dels -r * Redownloading database... * Retrieving all links... (3465 links found) * Inserting links into database...done!
epi@fizz$ dels -s * Synchronizing database... * Retrieving new links... (5 links found) * Inserting links into database...done!
Usage: dels [options] <search query>
Specific options:
-d, --debug Debug info -s, --sync Synchronize links -r, --redownload Erase database and redownload all links -c, --config Configure app (set delicious username/password) -t, --test-auth Test that authentication info works
Common options:
-h, --help Show this message
Copyright © 2009 Chris Gahan. See LICENSE for details.