##Initial Setup
- Add Landing Page
- Add Campgrounds Page that lists all campgrounds
Each Campground has:
- Name
- Image
#Layout and Basic Styling
- Create our header and footer partials
- Add in Bootstrap
#Creating New Campgrounds
- Setup new campground POST route
- Add in body-parser
- Setup route to show form
- Add basic unstyled form
#Style the campgrounds page
- Add a better header/title
- Make campgrounds display in a grid
#Style the Navbar and Form
- Add a navbar to all templates
- Style the new campground form
#Add Mongoose
- Install and configure Mongoose
- Setup campground model
- Use campground model inside of our routes
#Show Page
- Review the RESTful routes we've seen so far
- Add description to our campground model
- Show db.collection.drop()
- Add a show route/template
#Refactor Mongoose Code
- Create a models directory
- Use module.exports
- Require everything correctly!
#Add Seeds File
- Add a seeds.js file
- Run the seeds file every time the server starts
#Add the Comment model!
- Make our errors go away!
- Display comments on campground show page
INDEX /dogs GET Display a list of all dog NEW /dogs/new GET Displays form to make a new dog CREATE /dogs POST Add new dog to DB SHOW /dogs/:id GET Shows info about one dog