helm repo add dagster https://dagster-io.github.io/helm
helm install my-release dagster/dagster \
--namespace dagster \
helm install my-release . \
--namespace dagster \
Dagster is a Python library for building data applications. This chart will bootstrap a Dagit web server deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
In addition, our helm chart allows for Dagster configuration such as:
- Deploying user code containers separately from Dagster system components
- Specifying the Dagster run launcher
- Specifying the Dagster scheduler to handle recurring pipeline runs
Please refer to the Kubernetes getting started guide to set up and run a Kubernetes cluster.
We use Helm to manage our Kubernetes application in a configurable, replicable, and sharable way. Helm can be installed by following the Helm installation guide.
To download and install the Dagster charts, use the following command:
helm repo add dagster https://dagster-io.github.io/helm
We can now use the Helm client to install the Dagster chart! Refer to the guide on Using Helm for an explanation of useful Helm concepts.
Here, we install a release of the Dagster chart named my-release
, under the Kubernetes namespace dagster
helm install my-release dagster/dagster \
--namespace dagster \
Settings can configured to customize the Dagster release.
To see the full list of configurable settings, check out the values.yaml
file. Documentation can be found in the comments.
We support two ways of setting environment variables: either directly add them to values.yaml
, or
provide an external ConfigMap/Secret object to mount using envFrom:
in the chart pods:
in the Celery Worker and Job podsdagit.env.SOME_ENV_VAR
in the Dagit podjob_runner.envConfigMaps
: names of ConfigMaps to use for environment variables in the Celery Worker and Job podsjob_runner.envSecrets
: names of Secrets to use for environment variables in the Celery Worker and Job podsdagit.envConfigMaps
: names of ConfigMaps to use for environment variables in the Dagit poddagit.envSecrets
: names of Secrets to use for environment variables in the Dagit pod
These will be loaded in the following order, and in the case of conflicts, subsequent loads will take priority:
- Base environment; custom env vars specified in
- ConfigMap environment variables, loaded in order of the ConfigMaps specified
- Secret environment variables, loaded in order of the Secrets specified
Thus, for example, if CUSTOM_ENV_VAR
appears in values.yaml
, a ConfigMap, and two secrets, the
last secret loaded will be the value of CUSTOM_ENV_VAR
at runtime.
This chart installs a base pair of Kubernetes ConfigMap objects for environment variables. These are:
: Environment variables for the Celery workers and the spawned Job poddagster-dagit-env
: Environment variables for the Dagit Deployment pod
Each of these ConfigMaps set DAGSTER_HOME
by default, and also enable user-specification of
additional environment variables directly in values.yaml
Additionally, this Helm chart supports pulling in other external environment variables from external Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets.