Azure Spring Apps Enterprise Projects
Azure Spring Apps Enterprise Projects
Please note:
- Several commands are run in the background using the '&'. You may wish to NOT do this. Just be aware of what you are doing.
- Below are example commands for the BASIC tier ONLY. ENTERPRISE will be added at a later date.
- Using dotnet-cli 3.1.425
Login to Azure with cli:
az login
Verify correct account:
az account list
Verify correct subscription:
az account set --subscription ...
Set defaults:
. ../sh/
Create the group:
az group create --location westus --resource-group azure-asa-uswest &
Verify the group:
az group list
Login to Azure with cli:
az login
Set defaults:
. ../sh/
Goto proper directory:
cd ./hello-steel-controller-basic
Create app within the service-instance [basic]. Note: Takes 10-15min to complete:
az spring-cloud app create -n hello-steel -s hello-steel-controller-basic -g azure-asa-uswest --is-public &
Verify the app [basic]:
az spring app list -s hello-steel-controller-basic -g azure-asa-uswest
Clear Environment Variable: VERSION
Please Note: If you happen to have an environment variable named VERSION set for some other app, there is a good chance the value here is not legit for the dotnet-cli, and will cause it to fail or produce unexpected results.
Invoke dotnet build:
dotnet build
Package the app:
dotnet publish -c release -o ./publish
Deploy the app [basic]:
az spring-cloud app deploy -n hello-steel -s hello-steel-controller-basic \
-g azure-asa-uswest --runtime-version NetCore_31 --main-entry hello-steel-controller-basic.dll \
--artifact-path ./ \
--verbose &
List the app [basic]:
az spring-cloud app list -s hello-steel-controller-basic -g azure-asa-uswest
Get logs [basic]:
az spring app logs -n hello-steel -s hello-steel-controller-basic -g azure-asa-uswest --lines 100 -f
Hit the app [basic]:
curl -v
Delete the app [basic]:
az spring app delete -n hello-steel -s hello-steel-controller-basic -g azure-asa-uswest &