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Lua-configurable terminal emulator


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tym is a tiny VTE-based terminal emulator, which is configurable by Lua.


Arch Linux

$ yay -S tym

Other distros

Download the latest release from Releases, extract it and run as below

$ ./configure
$ sudo make install
Build dependencies

Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S vte3 lua53


$ sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libvte-2.91-dev liblua5.3-dev libpcre2-dev

Other distros / macOS / Windows

I did not check which packages are needed to build on other distros or OS. I'm waiting for your contribution ;)


When $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tym/config.lua exists, it is executed. You can change the path by --use/-u option.

-- Firstly, you need to require tym module
local tym = require('tym')

-- set config individually
tym.set('width', 100)

tym.set('font', 'DejaVu Sans Mono 11')

-- set by table
  shell = '/usr/bin/fish',
  cursor_shape = 'underline',
  autohide = true,
  color_foreground = 'red',

All available config values are shown below.

field name type default value description
shell string $SHELL → vte_get_user_shell() → '/bin/sh' Shell to excute.
term string 'xterm-256color' Value to assign to $TERM
title string 'tym' Window title.
font string '' You can specify font with 'FAMILY-LIST [SIZE]', for example 'Ubuntu Mono 12'. The value is parsed by pango_font_description_from_string(). If empty string is set, the system default fixed width font will be used.
icon string 'utilities-terminal' Name of icon. cf. Icon Naming Specification
role string '' Unique identifier for the window. If empty string is set, no value set. (cf. gtk_window_set_role())
cursor_shape string 'block' 'block', 'ibeam' or 'underline' can be used.
cursor_blink_mode string 'system' 'system', 'on' or 'off' can be used.
cjk_width string 'narrow' 'narrow' or 'wide' can be used.
background_image string '' Path to background image file.
uri_schemes string 'http https file mailto' Space-separated list of URI schemes to be highlighted and clickable. Specify empty string to disable highlighting. Specify '*' to accept any strings valid as schemes (according to RFC 3986).
width integer 80 Initial columns.
height integer 22 Initial rows.
scale integer 100 Font scale in percent(%)
padding_horizontal integer 0 Horizontal padding.
padding_vertical integer 0 Vertical padding.
scrollback_length integer 512 Length of the scrollback buffer.
ignore_default_keymap boolean false Whether to use default keymap.
autohide boolean false Whether to hide mouse cursor when the user presses a key.
silent boolean false Whether to beep when bell sequence is sent.
color_window_background string '' Color of the terminal window. It is seen when 'padding_horizontal' 'padding_vertical' is not 0. If you set 'NONE', the window background will not be drawn.
color_foreground, color_background, color_cursor, color_cursor_foreground, color_highlight, color_highlight_foreground, color_bold, color_0 ... color_15 string See next section You can specify standard color string such as '#f00', '#ff0000', 'rgba(22, 24, 33, 0.7)' or 'red'. It will be parsed by gdk_rgba_parse(). If empty string is set, the VTE default color will be used. If you set 'NONE' for color_background, the terminal background will not be drawn.

Theme customization

When $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tym/theme.lua exists, it is loaded before config is loadig. You can change the path by --theme/-t option. The following is an example and it shows builtin default values, which are ported from iceberg.

local bg = '#161821'
local fg = '#c6c8d1'
return {
  color_background = bg,
  color_foreground = fg,
  color_bold = fg,
  color_cursor = fg,
  color_cursor_foreground = bg,
  color_highlight = fg,
  color_highlight_foreground = bg,
  color_0  = bg,
  color_1  = '#e27878',
  color_2  = '#b4be82',
  color_3  = '#e2a478',
  color_4  = '#84a0c6',
  color_5  = '#a093c7',
  color_6  = '#89b8c2',
  color_7  = fg,
  color_8  = '#6b7089',
  color_9  = '#e98989',
  color_10 = '#c0ca8e',
  color_11 = '#e9b189',
  color_12 = '#91acd1',
  color_13 = '#ada0d3',
  color_14 = '#95c4ce',
  color_15 = '#d2d4de',

You need to return the color map as table.

Color correspondence
color_0  : black (background)
color_1  : red
color_2  : green
color_3  : brown
color_4  : blue
color_5  : purple
color_6  : cyan
color_7  : light gray (foreground)
color_8  : gray
color_9  : light red
color_10 : light green
color_11 : yellow
color_12 : light blue
color_13 : pink
color_14 : light cyan
color_15 : white


Default keymap

Key Action
Ctrl Shift c Copy selection to clipboard.
Ctrl Shift v Paste from clipboard.
Ctrl Shift r Reload config file.

Customizing keymap

You can register keymap(s) with tym.set_keymap(accelerator, func) or tym.set_keymaps(table). accelerator must be in a format parsable by gtk_accelerator_parse(). If turethy value is returned, the key input event propagation will not be stopped.

-- also can set keymap
tym.set_keymap('<Ctrl><Shift>o', function()
  local h = tym.get('height')
  tym.set('height', h + 1)
  tym.notify('Set window height :' .. h)

-- set by table
  ['<Ctrl><Shift>t'] = function()
    tym.notify('reload config')
  ['<Ctrl><Shift>v'] = function()
    -- reload and notify

  ['<Shift>y'] = function()
    tym.notify('Y has been pressed')
    return true -- notification is shown and `Y` will be inserted
  ['<Shift>w'] = function()
    tym.notify('W has been pressed')
    -- notification is shown but `W` is not inserted


Name Return value Description
tym.get(key) any Get config value.
tym.set(key, value) void Set config value.
tym.get_default_value(key) any Get default config value.
tym.get_config() table Get whole config.
tym.set_config(table) void Set config by table.
tym.reset_config() void Reset all config.
tym.set_keymap(accelerator, func) void Set keymap.
tym.unset_keymap(accelerator) void Unset keymap.
tym.set_keymaps(table) void Set keymaps by table.
tym.reset_keymaps() void Reset all keymaps.
tym.set_hook(hook_name, func) void Set a hook.
tym.set_hooks(table) void Set hooks.
tym.reload() void Reload config file.
tym.reload_theme() void Reload theme file.
tym.send_key() void Send key press event.
tym.set_timeout(func, interval=0) int(tag) Set timeout. return true in func to execute again.
tym.clear_timeout(tag) void Clear the timeout.
tym.put(text) void Feed text.
tym.bell() void Sound bell. void Open URI via your system default app like xdg-open(1).
tym.notify(message, title='tym') void Show desktop notification.
tym.copy(text, target='clipboard') void Copy text to clipboard. As target, 'clipboard', 'primary' or secondary can be used.
tym.copy_selection(target='clipboard') void Copy current selection.
tym.paste(target='clipboard') void Paste clipboard.
tym.check_mod_state(accelerator) bool Check if the mod key(such as '<Ctrl>' or <Shift>) is being pressed.
tym.color_to_rgba(color) r, g, b, a Convert color string to RGB bytes and alpha float using gdk_rgba_parse().
tym.rgba_to_color(r, g, b, a) string Convert RGB bytes and alpha float to color string like rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.5) can be used in color option such as color_background.
tym.rgb_to_hex(r, g, b) string Convert RGB bytes to 24bit HEX like #ABCDEF.
tym.get_monitor_model() string Get monitor model on which the window is shown.
tym.get_cursor_position() int, int Get where column and row the cursor is.
tym.get_clipboard(target='clipboard') string Get content in the clipboard.
tym.get_selection() string Get selected text.
tym.get_text(start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col) string Get text on the terminal screen. If you set -1 to end_row and end_col, the target area will be the size of termianl.
tym.get_config_path() string Get full path to config file.
tym.get_theme_path() string Get full path to theme file.
tym.get_version() string Get version string.


Name Param Default action Description
title title changes title If string is returned, it will be used as the new title.
bell nil makes the window urgent when it is inactive. If true is returned, the window will not be urgent.
clicked button, uri If URI exists under cursor, opens it Triggered when mouse button is pressed.
scroll delta_x, delta_x, mouse_x, mouse_y scroll buffer Triggered when mouse wheel is scrolled.
drag filepath feed filepath to the console Triggered when files are dragged to the screen.
activated nil nothing Triggered when the window is activated.
deactivated nil nothing Triggered when the window is deactivated.
selected string nothing Triggered when the text in the terminal screen is selected.
unselected nil nothing Triggered when the selection is unselected.

If turethy value is returned in a callback function, the default action is will be canceled.

  title = function(t)
    tym.set('title', 'tym - ' .. t)
    return true -- this is needed to cancenl default title application

tym.set_hook('clicked', function(button, uri)
  print('you pressed button:', button) -- 1:left, 2:middle, 3:right...
  if uri then
    print('you clicked URI: ', uri)
    if button == 2 then
      -- disable URI open when middle button is clicked
      return true


--help -h

$ tym -h

--use=<path> -u <path>

$ tym --use=/path/to/config.lua

If NONE is provided, all config will be default (user-defined config file will not be loaded).

$ tym -u NONE

--theme=<path> -t <path>

$ tym --use=/path/to/theme.lua

If NONE is provided, default theme will be used.

$ tym -t NONE

--<config option>

You can set config value via command line option.

$ tym --shell=/bin/zsh --color_background=red --width=40 --ignore_default_keymap


Clone this repo and run as below

$ autoreconf -fvi
$ ./configure --enable-debug
$ make && ./src/tym -u ./path/to/config.lua   # for debug
$ make check; cat src/tym-test.log            # for unit tests

Run tests in docker container

$ docker build -t tym .
$ docker run tym

Pro tips

Scroll mouse wheel to set window transparency/font scale

You can increase/decrease window transparency by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Down / Ctrl + Shift + Up or Shift + mouse wheel and increase/decrease font scale by Ctrl + mouse wheel.

local tym = require('tym')

function update_alpha(delta)
  r, g, b, a = tym.color_to_rgba(tym.get('color_background'))
  a = math.max(math.min(1.0, a + delta), 0.0)
  bg = tym.rgba_to_color(r, g, b, a)
  tym.set('color_background', bg)
  tym.notify(string.format('%s alpha to %f', (delta > 0 and 'Inc' or 'Dec'), a))

  ['<Ctrl><Shift>Up'] = function()
  ['<Ctrl><Shift>Down'] = function()

tym.set_hook('scroll', function(dx, dy, x, y)
  if tym.check_mod_state('<Ctrl>') then
    if dy > 0 then
      s = tym.get('scale') - 10
      s = tym.get('scale') + 10
    tym.set('scale', s)
    tym.notify('set scale: ' .. s .. '%')
    return true
  if tym.check_mod_state('<Shift>') then
    update_alpha(dy < 0 and 0.05 or -0.05)
    return true
local tym = require('tym')

  shell = '/bin/bash',

  local i = 0
  local message = 'echo "hello World!"'
  while i < #message do
    i = i + 1
    tym.put(message:sub(i, i))
end), 100)
Prevent tmux's key inputs delay

Key inputs alt-h,j,k,l for switching tmux's pane is often delayed when tmux is busy. This is the fix for it.

local tym = require('tym')

local remap = function (a, b)
  tym.set_keymap(a, function()
remap('<Alt>h', '<Alt>Left') -- remap as meta key inputs
remap('<Alt>l', '<Alt>Right')
remap('<Alt><Shift>h', '<Alt><Shift>Left')
remap('<Alt><Shift>l', '<Alt><Shift>Right')




Lua-configurable terminal emulator







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  • C 92.5%
  • Roff 4.4%
  • Makefile 1.2%
  • M4 1.0%
  • Shell 0.6%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%
  • Lua 0.1%