For contributing to Spoon, the recommended way is to create a pull request (PR) on Github. Upon acceptance, the merged code is copyrighted under the Cecill-C license.
The integrators are the developers who have write access to the repository. The integrators shall respect the following rules:
- Spoon integrators only merge atomic pull requests (single bug fix or single feature)
- Spoon integrators only merge well tested and well documented pull requests, after thorough code review
- Spoon integrators check the quality of the squashed merge commit message, and change it if required. The convention is that it starts with
(source). Optionally the impacted component can be specified, egfix(prettyprinter): ...
. - Spoon integrators never push directly to
- Spoon integrators never merge their own pull request
- Spoon integrators leave pull requests opened at least 1 day before merging, so that the community is aware and can comment on them
- Serious conflicts, who cannot be resolved by time and discussion, are resolved by a vote among integrators.
How to become integrator? The integrators are the developers who have made significant contributions over the last 12 months (gliding window). Significance is assessed by the current set of integrators who co-opt the new ones.
Current integrators:
- Nicolas Harrand @nharrand
- Benjamin Danglot @danglotb
- Thomas Durieux @tdurieux
- Martin Monperrus @monperrus
- Simon Urli @surli
- Pavel Vojtechovsky @pvojtechovsky
There are different kinds of pull-requests, in particular bug-fix, new features, refactoring and performance pull-requests.
Guidelines for all pull-requests:
- The pull request does a single thing (eg a single bug fix or a single feature).
- The pull request must pass all continuous integration checks (incl. formatting rules).
- The pull request must have an explicit and clear explanation.
- Pull-request title:
- The pull-request title starts with a prefix stating its kind: "fix:", "feature:", "refactor:", "perf:", "checkstyle:"
- Pull-requests that are in progress are prefixed by "WIP".
- Pull-requests that are ready for review are prefixed by "review", or labeled as "review".
- Your contribution is highly welcome! If you have anything interesting, then we welcome your PR even if it is not perfect at the beginning. The Spoon community will help you to fix the remaining problems, if any.;-)
Guidelines for bug-fix pull-requests:
- The pull request must contain a test case highlighting the bug.
Guidelines for feature pull-requests:
- The pull request must contain a set of test case to specify the expected behavior of the new feature.
- The pull request must contain an update in the documentation folder (
) to explain the new feature. - The pull request must pass all architectural rules that are checked in SpoonArchitectureEnforcerTest (eg new packages must be registered there)
Other kinds of pull-requests:
- Pull requests with passing test cases only are welcome, they specify previously unspecified behavior and are prefixed by "test:".
- Pull requests with failing test cases only are welcome, they reproduce bugs and are very useful for maintainers to fix them. You can prevent failing the CI with adding the annoation
. - "Chore" pull-requests modify the CI setup.
- If there is no activity on an issue or on a pull request for 3 months it's closed.
The public API is composed of all public classes and methods, except those for which at least one of the following condition holds:
- annotated with @Internal
- located in a package called
, including all subpackages, that is**.internal.**
Classes annotated with @Experimental
are planned to in the public API in the future, but are still considered unstable and can change in non-backward compatble manner.