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Geminabox On Chef

Configures and installs geminabox via Chef to provide a private (and optionally secured) gem store.


  • Optional SSL

  • Optional user/pass authentication


Currently this cookbook uses a defined set of applications with the intention to expand coverage of other options (like passenger, thin, apache, monit, etc). At present, these are supported:

  • Nginx

  • Unicorn

  • Bluepill

Suggested additions

It is highly suggested to include the BagConfig cookbook for storing sensitive configuration values within encrypted data bag entries:

What you get

By default, this cookbook will provide a Geminabox instance available via node_address. It uses a unicorn + nginx pairing with bluepill monitoring the unicorn processes. It also comes with an upstart configuration.

Adding extras


To enable SSL, provide a key and cert pair:

node[:geminabox][:ssl] = {:key => '/path/to/ssl.key', :cert => '/path/to/ssl.cert', :enabled => true}

You can also provide the the actual key and cert pair in the attributes (though if this approach is used, it is advised to use the BagConfig cookbook and encrypt the data bag entry).


To enable authentication, provide a path to the htpasswd file to use or the raw contents of the htpasswd file:

node[:geminabox][:auth_required] = '/path/to/htpasswd.file'

or, you can provide a hash of user/password pairs and have the auth file dynamically created:

node[:geminabox][:auth_required] = {'user1' => 'secret'}

Again, with providing plaintext passwords, it is suggested to use the BagConfig cookbook and encrypt the configuration data bag entry.

Finally, the password file can be provided via data bag. There are two ways the data bag can be formatted. First is providing the content of an htpasswd generated file. The second is to provide username/password pairs in the data bag.


Please report any bugs to the issues section on the github repo. If you have fixes, updates or new features, please fork and send a pull request


Many thanks to Tom Lea for Geminabox


MIT License (see LICENSE)