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How to get logs from Anthias

SSH into your Raspberry Pi. For instance, if you've set pi for the username and raspberrypi for the hostname, then run:

$ ssh pi@raspberrypi

Anthias makes use of Docker for containerization. To get the logs from the containers, you can either make use of the docker logs command or you can use the docker-compose logs command.

Using docker logs

For instance, the command below will show you the logs from the server container:

$ docker logs -f screenly-anthias-server-1

If you'd want to see the logs from other containers, simply replace the name of the container in the command above. Here's a table of the available containers:

Container Name Description
screenly-anthias-nginx-1 NGINX service
screenly-anthias-viewer-1 Viewer service
screenly-anthias-celery-1 Celery service
screenly-anthias-websocket-1 WebSocket service
screenly-anthias-server-1 web UI (front-end and back-end)
screenly-anthias-redis-1 Redis (database, cache, message broker)
screenly-anthias-wifi-connect-1 Wi-Fi connectivity

Using docker-compose logs

Before running the succeeding commands, make sure that you're in the /home/${USER}/screenly directory:

$ cd /home/${USER}/screenly # e.g., /home/pi/screenly if the user is `pi`

If you'd like to see the logs of a specific container or service via Docker Compose, you can run the following:

$ docker compose logs -f ${SERVICE_NAME}
# e.g., docker compose logs -f anthias-server

Check out this section of the Developer documentation page for the list of available services.

Enabling SSH

See the official documentation

Updating Anthias

Run the following command in your console:

$ bash <(curl -sL

Alternatively, you can also run the following command:

$ $HOME/screenly/bin/

Accessing the REST API

To get started, open your browser and go to http://<ip-address>:8080/api/docs/. You should see the Swagger API docs for the endpoints.

Accessing the SQLite Database

This section is for power users only. Do not mess around with the database unless you know what you are doing.

For most users, it's recommended that you use the API instead.

The SQLite Database can be found here — ~/.screenly/screenly.db. It can be modified with the sqlite3 CLI. The schema is relatively straightforward if you're already familiar. The columns of most interest to you will be name and is_enabled. In addition, start_date is useful if you want to use this in a disconnected manner.

Wi-Fi Setup

  • Read the Wi-Fi Setup page for more details on how to set up Wi-Fi on the Raspberry Pi.