Version 1.0.0
- First public release
Version 1.1.0
- minor "Cache-Control" parameters order changes
- added bpoDelegateIndexToInheritedDefault to delegate index.html to Default()
- added bpoDelegate404ToInherited_404 to delegate 404.html to _404()
Version 1.2.0
- fix "Accept-Encoding" parsing when gzip in the end of encodings list
- make Pre-Build events notice more visible in tests and demo
- minor code refactoring
Version 1.3.0
- fix bug in packassets tool when asset name started with '.'
Version 1.4.0
- make TAsset to be packed record for better x86/x64 platforms compatibility
Version 1.5.0
- fix EnableCacheByETag test scenarios
Version 1.6.0
- add custom options registration
- add Vary header into http response for compressible resources
Version 1.7.0
- add custom options registration for group of URLs
- get rid of system PosEx for better compatibility with Delphi 2007 and below
Version 1.8.0
- support redirections in /404 response
- changed HTML_* to HTTP_* constants following the mORMot refactoring
- support new HTTP context initialization spec
Version 1.8.1
- RegisterCustomOptions now supports URLs prefixes
Version 2.0
- Align all boilerplate assets to recent HTML 5 Boilerplate 7.2.0
- All Delphi compilers support started from Delphi 6 (special BuildEvents IDE extenstion provided for old Delphi 6/7/2005/2006)
- Free Pascal support (for Lazarus IDE scipt provided to compress and embed static assets over "Run / Build File" IDE option)
- Kylix 3 support (over CrossKilyx)
- Zopfli compression support for static assets (save up to 5-15% of traffic and delivery time compared to max GZip Level)
- Brotli compression support for static assets as per RFC 7932 (save another 15%-25% of traffic and delivery time compared to Zopfli)
- All assets compressions (GZip/Zopfli, and Brotli) now precomputed and embedded, so you save your CPU cycles by skipping any static assets compression on production
- Add additional cache bursting strategy. See bpoEnableCacheBustingBeforeExt
- Following RFC 7946 the GeoJSON applications now use application/geo+json MIME type
- MIME Type for RDF XML documents now application/rdf+xml following as per RFC 3870
- Add support of .mjs files with EcmaScript modules (or JavaScript modules) MIME types
- Add web assembly (.wasm) MIME type support
- Woff fonts (.woff) now have updated font/woff MIME type
- Woff version 2 fonts (.woff2) now have updated font/woff2 MIME type
- True Type collection .ttc fonts now have separate font/collection MIME type
- TTF fonts (.ttf) now have separate font/ttf MIME type
- OTF fonts (.otf) now have separate font/otf MIME type
- Add support for .ics (text/calendar), and .markdown, .md (text/markdown) MIME types
- Upgrade the required 'charset=UTF-8' MIME type list
- Upgrade Content Sequrity Policy (CSP)
- New bpoEnableReferrerPolicy options
- The GZippedMimeTypes has been removed (just pack your assets with updated assetslz tool)
- Deprecation of Iframes cookies support in Internet Explorer
- TAssets.SaveAssets remove regexp for assets matching (this excludes dependency over SynTable.pas)
Version 2.1
- bpoVaryAcceptEncoding now supports content created by the inherited class
- bpoDeleteXPoweredBy was excluded from DEFAULT_BOILERPLATE_OPTIONS
Version 2.1.1
- Fix TAsset.SaveIdentityToFile bug when Root is empty
Version 2.2
- Align assets to recent HTML 5 Boilerplate 7.3.0
- New CSP unit to handle Content Security Policy Level 2 / Level 3
- Add TBoilerplateHTTPServer.ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly property
- BoilerplateAssets content types normalization
Version 2.3
- Upgrade Assets to HTML Boilerplate v8.0.0
- Upgrade options to Apache Server Configs v4.0.0
- Upgrade Brotli compression to v1.0.9
- Add support of 1490 MIME Types file extensions from IANA, Apache, and Mozilla See KnownMIMETypes.Value as an alternative to SynCommons.GetMimeContentType
- bpoDelegateUnauthorizedTo404 set content for HTTP 401 "Unauthorized" response code equals to '/404'
- bpoDelegateNotAcceptableTo404 set content for HTTP 406 "Not Acceptable" response code equals to '/404'
- bpoDelegateHidden block access to all hidden files and directories except for the visible content from within the "/.well-known/" hidden directory
- bpoDisableTRACEMethod prevents TRACE requests being made via JavaScript
- TStrictSSL supports strictSSLIncludeSubDomainsPreload
- DNSPrefetchControl property to control DNS prefetching
- TAssets.SaveToFile now forces file directories before save and returns boolean success value
- assetslz didn't store compressed content if it size is greater than the size of the identity content (which prevents unnecessary bundle increase)