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Sampling Methods

The idea behind sampling is that we want to draw samples from a probability distribution, but we only have the equation of the distribution's Probability Density Function (PDF), rather than an algorithm for actually drawing samples.

Rejection sampling

Rejection sampling is one of the simplest methods for doing this. Rather than directly drawing samples from the target distribution ($p$), which is the one we ultimately do want samples from, we specify a proposal distribution ($q$) that we know how to sample from. Then, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Draw a sample from the proposal distribution, $x\sim q$
  2. Choose a point $y$ uniformly at random in the interval $[0, q(x)]$
  3. If $y < p(x)$, then accept $x$ as a sample. Otherwise, reject $x$ and start over from step 1.

TODO: Give more of an intuition for how this works.

There are many other sampling methods that you could choose from, but all of them have relatively similar design patterns behind the implementation, so we will just be focusing on rejection sampling here.

Generic rejection sampler implementation

The file contains the basic code for implementing a sampler. On initialization, it takes functions to sample from the proposal distribution and to compute the log-PDF values for both the proposal and target distributions.

TODO: discuss the design decision of having RejectionSampler take the functions, and then requiring users to instantiate it directly, rather than subclassing it and having users write write the functions as methods of the subclass.

TODO: include discussion about using import numpy as np rather than import numpy.

TODO: include discussion about variable names (descriptive vs math?)

Working in "log-space"

Why the log-PDF? When working with sampling methods, it is almost always a good idea to work in "log-space", meaning that your functions should always return log probabilities rather than probabilities. This is because probabilities can get very small very quickly, resulting in underflow errors.

To motivate this, consider that probabilities must range between 0 and 1 (inclusive). NumPy has a useful function, finfo, that will tell us the limits of floating point values for our system. For example, on a 64-bit machine, we see that the smallest usable positive number (given by tiny) is:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.finfo(float).tiny

While that may seem very small, it is not unusual to encounter probabilities of this magnitude, or even smaller! Moreover, it is a common operation to multiply probabilities, yet if we try to do this with very small probabilities, we encounter underflow problems:

>>> tiny = np.finfo(float).tiny
>>> tiny * tiny

However, taking the log can help alleviate this issue for two reasons. First, "log-space" ranges from $-\infty$ to zero; in practice, this means it ranges from the min value returned by finfo to zero. Yet, the log of the smallest positive value is much larger than that! So, we have greatly expaned our range of representable numbers:

>>> np.finfo(float).min
>>> np.log(tiny)

Second, we can perform multiplication in log-space using addition, because of the identity that $\log(x\cdot{}y) = \log(x) + \log(y)$. Thus, if we do the multiplication above in log-space, we do not have to deal with loss of precision due to underflow:

>>> np.log(tiny) + np.log(tiny)

Of course, this solution is not a magic bullet. If we need to bring the number out of log-space (for example, to add probabilities, rather than multiply them), then we are back to the issue of underflow:

>>> tiny*tiny
>>> np.exp(np.log(tiny) + np.log(tiny))

Structure of the rejection sampler

The RejectionSampler class uses two methods to draw samples: sample and draw. The first of these, sample, is the main outer sampling loop: it takes one argument n, which is the number of desired samples, allocates the storage for these samples, and calls draw a total of n times to collect these samples. The draw function is the actual sampling logic, following the three steps described in the previous section.

Note that in draw, we need to exponentiate $\log{q(x)}$ in order to sample $y~\mathrm{Uniform}(0, q(x))$. To make sure we don't run into underflow errors, we first check to make sure $\log{q(x)}$ is not too small (as defined by the minimum value that your computer can exponentiate). If it is, then we won't be able to sample $y$, so we continue to try a different value of $x$.

We also include a plot method, which will let us visualize the proposal distribution, target distrubtion, and the histogram of samples. These types of methods are important as an easy way to glance at the samples and make sure they actually match the target distribution.

Example application: sampling from a mixture of Gaussians

The IPython notebook uses RejectionSampler for the specific application of sampling from a mixture of Gaussians. A Gaussian distribution is given by the following equation:

$$ \mathcal{N}(x; \mu, \sigma^2) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp{\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} $$

where $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$ are the parameters of the Gaussian distribution for mean and variance, respectively. A mixture of Gaussians is a weighted average of several Gaussians. In our case, we are using $p(x)=\frac{1}{3}(\mathcal{N}(x; -2.5, 0.2) + \mathcal{N}(x; 2.0, 0.1) + \mathcal{N}(x; 0.2, 0.3))$.

Note: in practice, sampling from a Gaussian distribution is fairly easy, and most statistics packages come with methods for doing so. We are using a mixture of Gaussians here mostly just for illustration purposes.

TODO: include multi-dimensional example

TODO: include discussion about where to include visualization code

Possible extensions

There are several ways that the basic sampler described here could be extended. Depending on the application, some of these extensions might be crucially important.


The sampling loop could run multiple calls to draw in parallel. Some samplers (not rejection sampling) depend on samples being drawn sequentially, though, so this won't always be applicable.


Function calls in Python have a high overhead. However, based on the current implementation, we require at least seven Python calls per sample (more, if the proposal and target functions themselves make Python calls). Even simple target distributions need upwards of $n=10000$ samples to attain a decent approximation. Thus, this implementation will become too inefficient for even moderately complex problems.

One solution is to rewrite the code for draw (and possibly even sample) using an extension language like Cython or numba, or even a lower level language like C or FORTRAN.