This branch contains the prerelease of D3 4.0. This API is unstable and may change at any point prior to the release.
If you use NPM, npm install d3@next
. Otherwise, download the latest release. The released bundle supports AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments. Create a custom build using Rollup or your preferred bundler. You can also load directly from
<script src=""></script>
- Arrays (Statistics, Histograms, Search, Transformations)
- Axes
- Collections (Objects, Maps, Sets, Nests)
- Colors
- Delimiter-Separated Values
- Dispatches
- Easings
- Interpolators
- Number Formats
- Paths
- Polygons
- Quadtrees
- Queues
- Random Numbers
- Requests
- Scales (Continuous, Sequential, Quantize, Ordinal, Categorical)
- Selections (Selecting, Modifying, Data, Events, Control, Namespaces)
- Shapes (Arcs, Pies, Lines, Areas, Curves, Symbols, Stacks)
- Time Formats
- Time Intervals
- Timers
- Transitions
- Voronoi Diagrams
D3 uses semantic versioning. The current version is exposed as d3.version.
Array manipulation, ordering, searching, summarizing, etc.
Methods for computing basic summary statistics.
- d3.min - compute the minimum value in an array.
- d3.max - compute the maximum value in an array.
- d3.extent - compute the minimum and maximum value in an array.
- d3.sum - compute the sum of an array of numbers.
- d3.mean - compute the arithmetic mean of an array of numbers.
- d3.median - compute the median of an array of numbers (the 0.5-quantile).
- d3.quantile - compute a quantile for a sorted array of numbers.
- d3.variance - compute the variance of an array of numbers.
- d3.deviation - compute the standard deviation of an array of numbers.
Bin discrete samples into continuous, non-overlapping intervals.
- d3.histogram - create a new histogram generator.
- histogram - compute the histogram for the given array of samples.
- histogram.value - specify a value accessor for each sample.
- histogram.domain - specify the interval of observable values.
- histogram.thresholds - specify how values are divided into bins.
- d3.thresholdFreedmanDiaconis - the Freedman–Diaconis binning rule.
- d3.thresholdScott - Scott’s normal reference binning rule.
- d3.thresholdSturges - Sturges’ binning formula.
Methods for searching arrays for a specific element.
- d3.scan - linear search for an element using a comparator.
- d3.bisect - binary search for a value in a sorted array.
- d3.bisectRight - binary search for a value in a sorted array.
- d3.bisectLeft - binary search for a value in a sorted array.
- d3.bisector - bisect using an accessor or comparator.
- bisector.left - bisectLeft, with the given comparator.
- bisector.right - bisectRight, with the given comparator.
- d3.ascending - compute the natural order of two values.
- d3.descending - compute the natural order of two values.
Methods for transforming arrays and for generating new arrays.
- d3.merge - merge multiple arrays into one array.
- d3.pairs - create an array of adjacent pairs of elements.
- d3.permute - reorder an array of elements according to an array of indexes.
- d3.shuffle - randomize the order of an array.
- d3.ticks - generate representative values from a numeric interval.
- d3.tickStep - generate representative values from a numeric interval.
- d3.range - generate a range of numeric values.
- d3.transpose - transpose an array of arrays.
- - transpose a variable number of arrays.
Human-readable reference marks for scales.
- d3.axisTop - create a new top-oriented axis generator.
- d3.axisRight - create a new right-oriented axis generator.
- d3.axisBottom - create a new bottom-oriented axis generator.
- d3.axisLeft - create a new left-oriented axis generator.
- axis - generate an axis for the given selection.
- axis.scale - set the scale.
- axis.ticks - customize how ticks are generated and formatted.
- axis.tickArguments - customize how ticks are generated and formatted.
- axis.tickValues - set the tick values explicitly.
- axis.tickFormat - set the tick format explicitly.
- axis.tickSize - set the size of the ticks.
- axis.tickSizeInner - set the size of inner ticks.
- axis.tickSizeOuter - set the size of outer (extent) ticks.
- axis.tickPadding - set the padding between ticks and labels.
Handy data structures for elements keyed by string.
Methods for converting associative arrays (objects) to arrays.
- d3.keys - list the keys of an associative array.
- d3.values - list the values of an associated array.
- d3.entries - list the key-value entries of an associative array.
Like ES6 Map, but with string keys and a few other differences.
- - create a new, empty map.
- map.has - returns true if the map contains the given key.
- map.get - get the value for the given key.
- map.set - set the value for the given key.
- map.remove - remove the entry for given key.
- map.clear - remove all entries.
- map.keys - get the array of keys.
- map.values - get the array of values.
- map.entries - get the array of entries (key-values objects).
- map.each - call a function for each entry.
- map.empty - returns false if the map has at least one entry.
- map.size - compute the number of entries.
Like ES6 Set, but with string keys and a few other differences.
- d3.set - create a new, empty set.
- set.has - returns true if the set contains the given value.
- set.add - add the given value.
- set.remove - remove the given value.
- set.clear - remove all values.
- set.values - get the array of values.
- set.each - call a function for each value.
- set.empty - returns true if the set has at least one value.
- set.size - compute the number of values.
Group data into arbitrary hierarchies.
- d3.nest - create a new nest generator.
- nest.key - add a level to the nest hierarchy.
- nest.sortKeys - sort the current nest level by key.
- nest.sortValues - sort the leaf nest level by value.
- nest.rollup - specify a rollup function for leaf values.
- - generate the nest, returning a map.
- nest.object - generate the nest, returning an associative array.
- nest.entries - generate the nest, returning an array of key-values tuples.
Color manipulation and color space conversion.
- d3.color - parse the given CSS color specifier.
- color.rgb - compute the RGB equivalent of this color.
- color.brighter - create a brighter copy of this color.
- color.darker - create a darker copy of this color.
- color.displayable - returns true if the color is displayable on standard hardware.
- color.toString - format the color as an RGB hexadecimal string.
- d3.rgb - create a new RGB color.
- d3.hsl - create a new HSL color.
- d3.lab - create a new Lab color.
- d3.hcl - create a new HCL color.
- d3.cubehelix - create a new Cubehelix color.
Parse and format delimiter-separated values, most commonly CSV and TSV.
- d3.dsvFormat - create a new parser and formatter for the given delimiter.
- dsv.parse - parse the given string, returning an array of objects.
- dsv.parseRows - parse the given string, returning an array of rows.
- dsv.format - format the given array of objects.
- dsv.formatRows - format the given array of rows.
- d3.csvParse - parse the given CSV string, returning an array of objects.
- d3.csvParseRows - parse the given CSV string, returning an array of rows.
- d3.csvFormat - format the given array of objects as CSV.
- d3.csvFormatRows - format the given array of rows as CSV.
- d3.tsvParse - parse the given TSV string, returning an array of objects.
- d3.tsvParseRows - parse the given TSV string, returning an array of rows.
- d3.tsvFormat - format the given array of objects as TSV.
- d3.tsvFormatRows - format the given array of rows as TSV.
Separate concerns using named callbacks.
- d3.dispatch - create a custom event dispatcher.
- dispatch.on - register or unregister an event listener.
- dispatch.copy - create a copy of a dispatcher.
- - dispatch an event to registered listeners.
- dispatch.apply - dispatch an event to registered listeners.
Easing functions for smooth animation.
- ease - ease the given normalized time.
- d3.easeLinear - linear easing; the identity function.
- d3.easePolyIn - polynomial easing; raises time to the given power.
- d3.easePolyOut - reverse polynomial easing.
- d3.easePolyInOut - symmetric polynomial easing.
- poly.exponent - specify the polynomial exponent.
- d3.easeQuad - an alias for easeQuadInOut.
- d3.easeQuadIn - quadratic easing; squares time.
- d3.easeQuadOut - reverse quadratic easing.
- d3.easeQuadInOut - symmetric quadratic easing.
- d3.easeCubic - an alias for easeCubicInOut.
- d3.easeCubicIn - cubic easing; cubes time.
- d3.easeCubicOut - reverse cubic easing.
- d3.easeCubicInOut - symmetric cubic easing.
- d3.easeSin - an alias for easeSinInOut.
- d3.easeSinIn - sinusoidal easing.
- d3.easeSinOut - reverse sinusoidal easing.
- d3.easeSinInOut - symmetric sinusoidal easing.
- d3.easeExp - an alias for easeExpInOut.
- d3.easeExpIn - exponential easing.
- d3.easeExpOut - reverse exponential easing.
- d3.easeExpInOut - symmetric exponential easing.
- d3.easeCircle - an alias for easeCircleInOut.
- d3.easeCircleIn - circular easing.
- d3.easeCircleOut - reverse circular easing.
- d3.easeCircleInOut - symmetric circular easing.
- d3.easeElastic - an alias for easeElasticOut.
- d3.easeElasticIn - elastic easing, like a rubber band.
- d3.easeElasticOut - reverse elastic easing.
- d3.easeElasticInOut - symmetric elastic easing.
- elastic.amplitude - specify the elastic amplitude.
- elastic.period - specify the elastic period.
- d3.easeBack - an alias for easeBackInOut.
- d3.easeBackIn - anticipatory easing, like a dancer bending his knees before jumping.
- d3.easeBackOut - reverse anticipatory easing.
- d3.easeBackInOut - symmetric anticipatory easing.
- back.overshoot - specify the amount of overshoot.
- d3.easeBounce - an alias for easeBounceOut.
- d3.easeBounceIn - bounce easing, like a rubber ball.
- d3.easeBounceOut - reverse bounce easing.
- d3.easeBounceInOut - symmetric bounce easing.
Interpolate numbers, colors, strings, arrays, objects, whatever!
- d3.interpolate - interpolate arbitrary values.
- d3.interpolateArray - interpolate arrays of arbitrary values.
- d3.interpolateNumber - interpolate numbers.
- d3.interpolateObject - interpolate arbitrary objects.
- d3.interpolateRound - interpolate integers.
- d3.interpolateString - interpolate strings with embedded numbers.
- d3.interpolateTransformCss - interpolate 2D CSS transforms.
- d3.interpolateTransformSvg - interpolate 2D SVG transforms.
- d3.interpolateZoom - zoom and pan between two views.
- d3.interpolateRgb - interpolate RGB colors.
- d3.interpolateHsl - interpolate HSL colors.
- d3.interpolateHslLong - interpolate HSL colors, the long way.
- d3.interpolateLab - interpolate Lab colors.
- d3.interpolateHcl - interpolate HCL colors.
- d3.interpolateHclLong - interpolate HCL colors, the long way.
- d3.interpolateCubehelix - interpolate Cubehelix colors.
- d3.interpolateCubehelixLong - interpolate Cubehelix colors, the long way.
- interpolate.gamma - apply gamma correction during interpolation.
Format numbers for human consumption.
- d3.format - alias for enUs.format.
- d3.formatPrefix - alias for enUs.formatPrefix.
- d3.formatSpecifier - parse a number format specifier.
- d3.formatLocale - define a custom locale.
- locale.format - create a number format.
- locale.formatPrefix - create a SI-prefix number format.
- d3.formatCaEs - the Catalan (Spain) locale.
- d3.formatCsCz - the Czech (Czech Republic) locale.
- d3.formatDeCh - the German (Switzerland) locale.
- d3.formatDeDe - the German (Germany) locale.
- d3.formatEnCa - the English (Canada) locale.
- d3.formatEnGb - the English (United Kingdom) locale.
- d3.formatEnUs - the English (United States) locale.
- d3.formatEsEs - the Spanish (Spain) locale.
- d3.formatFiFi - the Finnish (Finland) locale.
- d3.formatFrCa - the French (Canada) locale.
- d3.formatFrFr - the French (France) locale.
- d3.formatHeIl - the Hebrew (Israel) locale.
- d3.formatHuHu - the Hungarian (Hungary) locale.
- d3.formatItIt - the Italian (Italy) locale.
- d3.formatJaJp - the Japanese (Japan) locale.
- d3.formatKoKr - the Korean (South Korea) locale.
- d3.formatMkMk - the Macedonian (Macedonia) locale.
- d3.formatNlNl - the Dutch (Netherlands) locale.
- d3.formatPlPl - the Polish (Poland) locale.
- d3.formatPtBr - the Portuguese (Brazil) locale.
- d3.formatRuRu - the Russian (Russia) locale.
- d3.formatSvSe - the Swedish (Sweden) locale.
- d3.formatZhCn - the Chinese (China) locale.
- d3.precisionFixed - compute decimal precision for fixed-point notation.
- d3.precisionPrefix - compute decimal precision for SI-prefix notation.
- d3.precisionRound - compute significant digits for rounded notation.
Serialize Canvas path commands to SVG.
- d3.path - create a new path serializer.
- path.moveTo - move to the given point.
- path.closePath - close the current subpath.
- path.lineTo - draw a straight line segment.
- path.quadraticCurveTo - draw a quadratic Bézier segment.
- path.bezierCurveTo - draw a cubic Bézier segment.
- path.arcTo - draw a circular arc segment.
- path.arc - draw a circular arc segment.
- path.rect - draw a rectangle.
- path.toString - serialize to an SVG path data string.
Geometric operations for two-dimensional polygons.
- d3.polygonArea - compute the area of the given polygon.
- d3.polygonCentroid - compute the centroid of the given polygon.
- d3.polygonHull - compute the convex hull of the given points.
- d3.polygonContains - test whether a point is inside a polygon.
- d3.polygonLength - compute the length of the given polygon’s perimeter.
Two-dimensional recursive spatial subdivision.
- d3.quadtree - create a new quadtree generator.
- quadtree - generate a quadtree for the specified points.
- root.add - add a point to a quadtree.
- root.find - quickly find the closest point in a quadtree.
- root.visit - recursively visit all nodes in a quadtree.
- quadtree.x - set the x accessor.
- quadtree.y - set the y accessor.
- quadtree.extent - set the observed extent of points.
- quadtree.size - set the observed extent of points.
Evaluate asynchronous tasks with configurable concurrency.
- d3.queue - manage the concurrent evaluation of asynchronous tasks.
- queue.defer - register a task for evaluation.
- queue.abort - abort any active tasks and cancel any pending ones.
- queue.await - register a callback for when tasks complete.
- queue.awaitAll - register a callback for when tasks complete.
Generate random numbers from various distributions.
- d3.randomUniform - from a uniform distribution.
- d3.randomNormal - from a normal distribution.
- d3.randomLogNormal - from a log-normal distribution.
- d3.randomBates - from a Bates distribution.
- d3.randomIrwinHall - from an Irwin–Hall distribution.
- d3.randomExponential - from an exponential distribution.
A convenient alternative to asynchronous XMLHttpRequest.
- d3.request - make an asynchronous request.
- request.header - set a request header.
- request.mimeType - set the MIME type.
- request.timeout - set the timeout in milliseconds.
- request.responseType - set the response type.
- request.response - set the response function.
- request.get - send a GET request.
- - send a POST request.
- request.send - set the request.
- request.abort - abort the request.
- request.on - listen for a request event.
- d3.csv - get a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
- d3.html - get an HTML file.
- d3.json - get a JSON file.
- d3.text - get a plain text file.
- d3.tsv - get a tab-separated values (TSV) file.
- d3.xml - get an XML file.
Encodings that map abstract data to visual representation.
Map a continuous, quantitative domain to a continuous range.
- continuous - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- continuous.invert - compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- continuous.domain - set the input domain.
- continuous.range - set the output range.
- continuous.rangeRound - set the output range and enable rounding.
- continuous.clamp - enable clamping to the domain or range.
- continuous.interpolate - set the output interpolator.
- continuous.ticks - compute representative values from the domain.
- continuous.tickFormat - format ticks for human consumption.
- continuous.nice - extend the domain to nice round numbers.
- continuous.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scaleLinear - create a quantitative linear scale.
- d3.scalePow - create a quantitative power scale.
- pow - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- pow.invert - compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- pow.exponent - set the power exponent.
- pow.domain - set the input domain.
- pow.range - set the output range.
- pow.rangeRound - set the output range and enable rounding.
- pow.clamp - enable clamping to the domain or range.
- pow.interpolate - set the output interpolator.
- pow.ticks - compute representative values from the domain.
- pow.tickFormat - format ticks for human consumption.
- pow.nice - extend the domain to nice round numbers.
- pow.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scaleSqrt - create a quantitative power scale with exponent 0.5.
- d3.scaleLog - create a quantitative logarithmic scale.
- log - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- log.invert - compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- log.base - set the logarithm base.
- log.domain - set the input domain.
- log.range - set the output range.
- log.rangeRound - set the output range and enable rounding.
- log.clamp - enable clamping to the domain or range.
- log.interpolate - set the output interpolator.
- log.ticks - compute representative values from the domain.
- log.tickFormat - format ticks for human consumption.
- log.nice - extend the domain to nice round numbers.
- log.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scaleIdentity - create a quantitative identity scale.
- d3.scaleTime - create a linear scale for time.
- time - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- time.invert - compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- time.domain - set the input domain.
- time.range - set the output range.
- time.rangeRound - set the output range and enable rounding.
- time.clamp - enable clamping to the domain or range.
- time.interpolate - set the output interpolator.
- time.ticks - compute representative values from the domain.
- time.tickFormat - format ticks for human consumption.
- time.nice - extend the domain to nice round times.
- time.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scaleUtc - create a linear scale for UTC.
Map a continuous, quantitative domain to a continuous, fixed color ramp.
- d3.scaleViridis - a dark-to-light color scheme.
- d3.scaleInferno - a dark-to-light color scheme.
- d3.scaleMagma - a dark-to-light color scheme.
- d3.scalePlasma - a dark-to-light color scheme.
- d3.scaleWarm - a rotating-hue color scheme.
- d3.scaleCool - a rotating-hue color scheme.
- d3.scaleRainbow - a cyclical rotating-hue color scheme.
- d3.scaleCubehelix - a dark-to-light, rotating-hue color scheme.
Map a continuous, quantitative domain to a discrete range.
- d3.scaleQuantize - create a uniform quantizing linear scale.
- quantize - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- quantize.invertExtent - compute the domain values corresponding to a given range value.
- quantize.domain - set the input domain.
- quantize.range - set the output range.
- quantize.nice - extend the domain to nice round numbers.
- quantize.ticks - compute representative values from the domain.
- quantize.tickFormat - format ticks for human consumption.
- quantize.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scaleQuantile - create a quantile quantizing linear scale.
- quantile - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- quantile.invertExtent - compute the domain values corresponding to a given range value.
- quantile.domain - set the input domain.
- quantile.range - set the output range.
- quantile.quantiles - get the quantile thresholds.
- quantile.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scaleThreshold - create an arbitrary quantizing linear scale.
- threshold - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- threshold.invertExtent - compute the domain values corresponding to a given range value.
- threshold.domain - set the input domain.
- threshold.range - set the output range.
- threshold.copy - create a copy of this scale.
Map a discrete domain to a discrete range.
- d3.scaleOrdinal - create an ordinal scale.
- ordinal - compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- ordinal.domain - set the input domain.
- ordinal.range - set the output range.
- ordinal.unknown - set the output value for unknown inputs.
- ordinal.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scaleImplicit - a special unknown value for implicit domains.
- d3.scaleBand - create an ordinal band scale.
- band - compute the band start corresponding to a given domain value.
- band.domain - set the input domain.
- band.range - set the output range.
- band.rangeRound - set the output range and enable rounding.
- band.round - enable rounding.
- band.paddingInner - set padding between bands.
- band.paddingOuter - set padding outside the first and last bands.
- band.padding - set padding outside and between bands.
- band.align - set band alignment, if there is extra space.
- band.bandwidth - get the width of each band.
- band.step - get the distance between the starts of adjacent bands.
- band.copy - create a copy of this scale.
- d3.scalePoint - create an ordinal point scale.
- point - compute the point corresponding to a given domain value.
- point.domain - set the input domain.
- point.range - set the output range.
- point.rangeRound - set the output range and enable rounding.
- point.round - enable rounding.
- point.padding - set padding outside the first and last point.
- point.align - set point alignment, if there is extra space.
- point.bandwidth - returns zero.
- point.step - get the distance between the starts of adjacent points.
- point.copy - create a copy of this scale.
Map a discrete domain to a discrete, fixed categorical color range.
- d3.scaleCategory10 - a categorical scheme with 10 colors.
- d3.scaleCategory20 - a categorical scheme with 20 colors.
- d3.scaleCategory20b - a categorical scheme with 20 colors.
- d3.scaleCategory20c - a categorical scheme with 20 colors.
Transform the DOM by selecting elements and joining to data.
- d3.selection - select the root document element.
- - select an element from the document.
- d3.selectAll - select multiple elements from the document.
- - select a descendant element for each selected element.
- selection.selectAll - select multiple descendants for each selected element.
- selection.filter - filter elements based on data.
- d3.matcher - test whether an element matches a selector.
- d3.selector - select an element.
- d3.selectorAll - select elements.
- d3.window - get a node’s owner window.
- selection.attr - get or set an attribute.
- selection.classed - get, add or remove CSS classes.
- - get or set a style property.
- - get or set a (raw) property.
- selection.text - get or set the text content.
- selection.html - get or set the inner HTML.
- selection.append - create, append and select new elements.
- selection.remove - remove elements from the document.
- selection.sort - sort elements in the document based on data.
- selection.order - reorders elements in the document to match the selection.
- selection.raise - reorders each element as the last child of its parent.
- selection.lower - reorders each element as the first child of its parent.
- d3.creator - create an element by name.
- - join elements to data.
- selection.enter - get the enter selection (data missing elements).
- selection.exit - get the exit selection (elements missing data).
- selection.datum - get or set element data (without joining).
- selection.on - add or remove event listeners.
- selection.dispatch - dispatch a custom event.
- d3.event - the current user event, during interaction.
- d3.mouse - get the mouse position relative to a given container.
- d3.touch - get a touch position relative to a given container.
- d3.touches - get the touch positions relative to a given container.
- selection.each - call a function for each element.
- - call a function with this selection.
- selection.empty - returns true if this selection is empty.
- selection.nodes - returns an array of all selected elements.
- selection.node - returns the first (non-null) element.
- selection.size - returns the count of elements.
- d3.namespace - qualify a prefixed XML name, such as “xlink:href”.
- d3.namespaces - the built-in XML namespaces.
Graphical primitives for visualization.
Circular or annular sectors, as in a pie or donut chart.
- d3.arc - create a new arc generator.
- arc - generate an arc for the given datum.
- arc.centroid - compute an arc’s midpoint.
- arc.innerRadius - set the inner radius.
- arc.outerRadius - set the outer radius.
- arc.cornerRadius - set the corner radius, for rounded corners.
- arc.startAngle - set the start angle.
- arc.endAngle - set the end angle.
- arc.padAngle - set the angle between adjacent arcs, for padded arcs.
- arc.padRadius - set the radius at which to linearize padding.
- arc.context - set the rendering context.
Compute the necessary angles to represent a tabular dataset as a pie or donut chart.
- d3.pie - create a new pie generator.
- pie - compute the arc angles for the given dataset.
- pie.value - set the value accessor.
- pie.sort - set the sort order comparator.
- pie.sortValues - set the sort order comparator.
- pie.startAngle - set the overall start angle.
- pie.endAngle - set the overall end angle.
- pie.padAngle - set the pad angle between adjacent arcs.
A spline or polyline, as in a line chart.
- d3.line - create a new line generator.
- line - generate a line for the given dataset.
- line.x - set the x accessor.
- line.y - set the y accessor.
- line.defined - set the defined accessor.
- line.curve - set the curve interpolator.
- line.context - set the rendering context.
- d3.radialLine - create a new radial line generator.
- radialLine - generate a line for the given dataset.
- radialLine.angle - set the angle accessor.
- radialLine.radius - set the radius accessor.
- radialLine.defined - set the defined accessor.
- radialLine.curve - set the curve interpolator.
- radialLine.context - set the rendering context.
An area, defined by a bounding topline and baseline, as in an area chart.
- d3.area - create a new area generator.
- area - generate an area for the given dataset.
- area.x - set the x0 and x1 accessors.
- area.x0 - set the baseline x accessor.
- area.x1 - set the topline x accessor.
- area.y - set the y0 and y1 accessors.
- area.y0 - set the baseline y accessor.
- area.y1 - set the topline y accessor.
- area.defined - set the defined accessor.
- area.curve - set the curve interpolator.
- area.context - set the rendering context.
- d3.radialArea - create a new radial area generator.
- radialArea - generate an area for the given dataset.
- radialArea.angle - set the start and end angle accessors.
- radialArea.startAngle - set the start angle accessor.
- radialArea.endAngle - set the end angle accessor.
- radialArea.radius - set the inner and outer radius accessors.
- radialArea.innerRadius - set the inner radius accessor.
- radialArea.outerRadius - set the outer radius accessor.
- radialArea.defined - set the defined accessor.
- radialArea.curve - set the curve interpolator.
- radialArea.context - set the rendering context.
Interpolate between points to produce a continuous shape.
- d3.curveBasis - a cubic basis spline, repeating the end points.
- d3.curveBasisClosed - a closed cubic basis spline.
- d3.curveBasisOpen - a cubic basis spline.
- d3.curveBundle - a straightened cubic basis spline.
- d3.curveCardinal - a cubic cardinal spline, with one-sided difference at each end.
- d3.curveCardinalClosed - a closed cubic cardinal spline.
- d3.curveCardinalOpen - a cubic cardinal spline.
- d3.curveCatmullRom - a cubic Catmull–Rom spline, with one-sided difference at each end.
- d3.curveCatmullRomClosed - a closed cubic Catmull–Rom spline.
- d3.curveCatmullRomOpen - a cubic Catmull–Rom spline.
- d3.curveLinear - a polyline.
- d3.curveLinearClosed - a closed polyline.
- d3.curveMonotoneX - a cubic spline that, given monotonicity in x, preserves it in y.
- d3.curveMonotoneY - a cubic spline that, given monotonicity in y, preserves it in x.
- d3.curveNatural - a natural cubic spline.
- d3.curveStep - a piecewise constant function.
- d3.curveStepAfter - a piecewise constant function.
- d3.curveStepBefore - a piecewise constant function.
- curve.areaStart - start a new area segment.
- curve.areaEnd - end the current area segment.
- curve.lineStart - start a new line segment.
- curve.lineEnd - end the current line segment.
- curve.point - add a point to the current line segment.
A categorical shape encoding, as in a scatterplot.
- d3.symbol - create a new symbol generator.
- symbol - generate a symbol for the given datum.
- symbol.type - set the symbol type.
- symbol.size - set the size of the symbol in square pixels.
- symbol.context - set the rendering context.
- d3.symbols - the array of built-in symbol types.
- d3.symbolCircle - a circle.
- d3.symbolCross - a Greek cross with arms of equal length.
- d3.symbolDiamond - a rhombus.
- d3.symbolSquare - a square.
- d3.symbolStar - a pentagonal star (pentagram).
- d3.symbolTriangle - an up-pointing triangle.
- d3.symbolWye - an up-pointing triangle.
- symbolType.draw - draw this symbol to the given context.
Stack shapes, placing one adjacent to another, as in a stacked bar chart.
- d3.stack - create a new stack generator.
- stack - generate a stack for the given dataset.
- stack.keys - set the keys accessor.
- stack.value - set the value accessor.
- stack.order - set the order accessor.
- stack.offset - set the offset accessor.
- d3.stackOrderAscending - put the smallest series on bottom.
- d3.stackOrderDescending - put the largest series on bottom.
- d3.stackOrderInsideOut - put larger series in the middle.
- d3.stackOrderNone - use the given series order.
- d3.stackOrderReverse - use the reverse of the given series order.
- d3.stackOffsetExpand - normalize the baseline to zero and topline to one.
- d3.stackOffsetNone - apply a zero baseline.
- d3.stackOffsetSilhouette - center the streamgraph around zero.
- d3.stackOffsetWiggle - minimize streamgraph wiggling.
Parse and format times, inspired by strptime and strftime.
- d3.timeFormat - alias for enUs.format.
- d3.timeParse - alias for enUs.parse.
- d3.utcFormat - alias for enUs.utcFormat.
- d3.utcFormat - alias for enUs.utcParse.
- d3.isoFormat - an ISO 8601 UTC formatter.
- d3.isoParse - an ISO 8601 UTC parser.
- d3.timeFormatLocale - define a custom locale.
- locale.format - create a time formatter.
- locale.parse - create a time parser.
- locale.utcFormat - create a UTC formatter.
- locale.utcParse - create a UTC parser.
- d3.timeFormatCaEs - the Catalan (Spain) locale.
- d3.timeFormatDeCh - the German (Switzerland) locale.
- d3.timeFormatDeDe - the German (Germany) locale.
- d3.timeFormatEnCa - the English (Canada) locale.
- d3.timeFormatEnGb - the English (United Kingdom) locale.
- d3.timeFormatEnUs - the English (United States) locale.
- d3.timeFormatEsEs - the Spanish (Spain) locale.
- d3.timeFormatFiFi - the Finnish (Finland) locale.
- d3.timeFormatFrCa - the French (Canada) locale.
- d3.timeFormatFrFr - the French (France) locale.
- d3.timeFormatHeIl - the Hebrew (Israel) locale.
- d3.timeFormatHuHu - the Hungarian (Hungary) locale.
- d3.timeFormatItIt - the Italian (Italy) locale.
- d3.timeFormatJaJp - the Japanese (Japan) locale.
- d3.timeFormatKoKr - the Korean (South Korea) locale.
- d3.timeFormatMkMk - the Macedonian (Macedonia) locale.
- d3.timeFormatNlNl - the Dutch (Netherlands) locale.
- d3.timeFormatPlPl - the Polish (Poland) locale.
- d3.timeFormatPtBr - the Portuguese (Brazil) locale.
- d3.timeFormatRuRu - the Russian (Russia) locale.
- d3.timeFormatSvSe - the Swedish (Sweden) locale.
- d3.timeFormatZhCn - the Chinese (China) locale.
A calculator for humanity’s peculiar conventions of time.
- d3.timeInterval - implement a new custom time interval.
- interval - alias for interval.floor.
- interval.floor - round down to the nearest boundary.
- interval.round - round to the nearest boundary.
- interval.ceil - round up to the nearest boundary.
- interval.offset - offset a date by some number of intervals.
- interval.range - generate a range of dates at interval boundaries.
- interval.filter - create a filtered subset of this interval.
- interval.every - create a filtered subset of this interval.
- interval.count - count interval boundaries between two dates.
- d3.timeMillisecond, d3.utcMillisecond - the millisecond interval.
- d3.timeMilliseconds, d3.utcMilliseconds - aliases for millisecond.range.
- d3.timeSecond, d3.utcSecond - the second interval.
- d3.timeSeconds, d3.utcSeconds - aliases for second.range.
- d3.timeMinute, d3.utcMinute - the minute interval.
- d3.timeMinutes, d3.utcMinutes - aliases for minute.range.
- d3.timeHour, d3.utcHour - the hour interval.
- d3.timeHours, d3.utcHours - aliases for hour.range.
- d3.timeDay, d3.utcDay - the day interval.
- d3.timeDays, d3.utcDays - aliases for day.range.
- d3.timeWeek, d3.utcWeek - aliases for sunday.
- d3.timeWeeks, d3.utcWeeks - aliases for week.range.
- d3.timeSunday, d3.utcSunday - the week interval, starting on Sunday.
- d3.timeSundays, d3.utcSundays - aliases for sunday.range.
- d3.timeMonday, d3.utcMonday - the week interval, starting on Monday.
- d3.timeMondays, d3.utcMondays - aliases for monday.range.
- d3.timeTuesday, d3.utcTuesday - the week interval, starting on Tuesday.
- d3.timeTuesdays, d3.utcTuesdays - aliases for tuesday.range.
- d3.timeWednesday, d3.utcWednesday - the week interval, starting on Wednesday.
- d3.timeWednesdays, d3.utcWednesdays - aliases for wednesday.range.
- d3.timeThursday, d3.utcThursday - the week interval, starting on Thursday.
- d3.timeThursdays, d3.utcThursdays - aliases for thursday.range.
- d3.timeFriday, d3.utcFriday - the week interval, starting on Friday.
- d3.timeFridays, d3.utcFridays - aliases for friday.range.
- d3.timeSaturday, d3.utcSaturday - the week interval, starting on Saturday.
- d3.timeSaturdays, d3.utcSaturdays - aliases for saturday.range.
- d3.timeMonth, d3.utcMonth - the month interval.
- d3.timeMonths, d3.utcMonths - aliases for month.range.
- d3.timeYear, d3.utcYear - the year interval.
- d3.timeYears, d3.utcYears - aliases for year.range.
An efficient queue for managing thousands of concurrent animations.
- - get the current high-resolution time.
- d3.timer - schedule a new timer.
- timer.restart - reset the timer’s start time and callback.
- timer.stop - stop the timer.
- d3.timerFlush - immediately execute any eligible timers.
- d3.timeout - schedule a timer that stops on its first callback.
- d3.interval - schedule a timer that is called with a configurable period.
Animated transitions for selections.
- selection.transition -
- selection.interrupt -
- d3.transition -
- -
- transition.selectAll -
- transition.filter -
- transition.transition -
- -
- transition.nodes -
- transition.node -
- transition.size -
- transition.empty -
- transition.each -
- transition.on -
- transition.attr -
- -
- transition.text -
- transition.remove -
- transition.tween -
- transition.delay -
- transition.duration -
- transition.ease -
- -
Compute the Voronoi diagram of a given set of points.
- d3.voronoi - create a new Voronoi generator.
- voronoi - generate a new Voronoi diagram for the given points.
- voronoi.polygons - compute the Voronoi polygons for the given points.
- voronoi.triangles - compute the Delaunay triangles for the given points.
- voronoi.links - compute the Delaunay links for the given points.
- voronoi.x - set the x accessor.
- voronoi.y - set the y accessor.
- voronoi.extent - set the observed extent of points.
- voronoi.size - set the observed extent of points.