Sequence analyzer is similar to Realtime Analyzer, but uses sound sequences in Blender's Video Sequence Editor. Don't worry if you don't like the VSE, there is a quite good user interface inside AudVis "Sequence Analyzer" panel.
- Enable (in the Sequence Analyzer panel header): do you want to use Sequence Analyzer? If not, keep this disabled
- Enable single sequence - you can enable/disable every single sound sequence for use in AudVis Sequence Analyzer
- Add Sound Sequence - choose a sound file to use. You can use multiple sound files, and animate different things by different sound files
- Remove Sound Sequence - remove selected sound sequence
- Name - name of the sequence. You can change it or copy the name to use it in the driver expression
- Start Frame - this is important! This is the frame when the sound sequence starts to play and also AudVis starts to parse it
- Start Offset - just offset - you can cut out the start of the song for example
- Length - just length - you can cut out the end of the song for example
- Align End Frame by Sequences - set current scene's End Frame to the last frame of all sound sequences - if your song is 1234 frames long and starts at frame 1, end frame of the scene will be set to 1235