RATTM Rage Against the Turing Machine X Cash App
Click for: Frontend Project and Detailed Readme
Before running the project, ensure you have the following:
- Python (Version 3.12 or above)
- Firebase credentials in the form of a
file (details below) - An
file with environment variables (details below)
git clone https://github.com/jnnchi/rattm-backend.git
The folder you should be now in will later be referred to as "the root"
Create and activate a Python virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # On MacOS/Linux
# For Windows use: .venv\Scripts\activate
Staying in the root, with the virtual environment activated, install the required Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a
file. This will store your Firebase credentials. Paste into the file the JSON in this Discord message. This file should not be committed to the repository. -
Create a
file (in the root directory). The file should be of this format:MOCK_JSON_PATH="[root project path]/resources/mockdata.json" SECRET_KEY="heroku secret key" FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY="firebase private key, with \n replaced with \\n" FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY_ID="firebase private key id" FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL="firebase client email" FIREBASE_CLIENT_ID="firebace client id" FIREBASE_CERT_URL="https://www.googleapis.com/ url"
... where [root project path]
is the absolute path to the root. You can find this by entering pwd
into the terminal from the root directory.
├── RattmWeb/ # Project folder
│ ├── asgi.py # ASGI config (for async support)
│ ├── firebase.py # Loads Firebase DB
│ ├── settings.py # Django settings
│ ├── urls.py # Project endpoints
│ ├── views.py # Return interfaces for endpoints
│ ├── wsgi.py # WSGI config (for web server)
├── transaction/ # Transaction app folder
│ ├── view.py # Functions to upload and fetch data from Firestore
│ ├── urls.py # Transaction-specific endpoints
├── manage.py # File that runs everything
├── Procfile # File that specifies how heroku will run the project
├── app.json # Config file for Heroku CICD pipeline
— Fetches and shows data from Firestorehttps://rattm-f300025e7172.herokuapp.com/api/upload/
— Uploads data to Firestore (not yet implemented on hosting)
You can view the Firestore project by going to: Firestore Console
You can view the Heroku project by going to: Heroku Project
You can view the Heroku CICD Pipeline by going to: Heroku Production Pipeline
(On Ubuntu/WSL)
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
python -m pip install django-heroku
- Use 'heroku --version' to check if heroku is installed. Follow the command line to install heroku if needed.
(On Mac)
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
pip install django-heroku
Type heroku
to see the help page.
To check running apps: heroku apps
If we want to store data in environment variables:
- "heroku config" command can be used to manage the environment variables
- for example,
heroku config:get ENV_VARIABLE_NAME
Useful commands:
- Run Locally:
heroku local:run python manage.py runserver
- Run Tests Locally:
heroku local:run python manage.py test
Heroku debug:
- if heroku local doesn't run -> check if .env file is updated with heroku secrete key
- note: our .env file is in the RATTM repo, not the backend directory