A plugin is a function that adds functionality to a Ulysses instance. Add plugins in one of two ways:
// when creating a story, use the `plugins` array
const story = new Ulysses({ map, steps, plugins: [func, anotherFunc] });
// later, with the `use()` method
In each case, the plugin callable takes a Ulysses
instance as its only argument. For plugins that take configuration, you can use a function that returns a function. Finally, the plugin function may return a cleanup function, which will be called when a Ulysses instance is destroyed.
Here's an example plugin that adds keyboad controls:
export default function keys({ previous = "ArrowLeft", next = "ArrowRight" } = {}) {
return story => {
function keydown({ key }) {
if (key === previous) {
if (key === next) {
if (key.match(/\d{1}/)) {
window.addEventListener("keydown", keydown);
// on destroy
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("keydown", keydown);
// later
// when we're done, this will remove the event listener
The first function -- keys()
-- is called to initialize the plugin and returns a function. That function is called with our Ulysses
instance. When the story is eventually destroyed (for example, when routing to a new URL in a single-page application), the final cleanup function will remove event listers on the window