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Mapbox GL JS API Documentation

new mapboxgl.Map(options)

var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
    container: 'map',
    center: [37.772537, -122.420679],
    zoom: 13,
    style: style_object,
    hash: true

Create a map instance given an options object with the following properties:

Option Value Description
container string HTML element to initialize the map in (or element id as string)
minZoom number Minimum zoom of the map, 0 by default
maxZoom number Maximum zoom of the map, 20 by default
style object Map style and data source definition (either a JSON object or a JSON URL), described in the style reference
hash boolean If true, the map will track and update the page URL according to map position (default: false)
interactive boolean If false, no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners are attached to the map, so it will not respond to input (default: true)
classes array Style class names with which to initialize the map

Options that define the initial position of the map (if hash is set to true, the position will be set according to the URL and options will be used by default):

Option Value Description
center array Latitude and longitude (passed as [lat, lng])
zoom number Map zoom level
bearing number Map rotation bearing in degrees counter-clockwise from north

Setting map state

The following methods set the state of the map without performing any animation.

Method Description
setView(center, zoom, bearing) Set map position (center, zoom, bearing)
setCenter(latlng) Center the map view on a location
setZoom(zoom) Set the zoom level of the map
setBearing(bearing) Sets map rotation angle in degrees
setStyle(style) Replaces the map's style object

The following methods set the state of the map with smooth animation.

Method Description
panTo(latlng, animOptions?) Pan to a certain location with easing
panBy(offset, animOptions?) Pan by a certain number of pixels (offset is [x, y])
zoomTo(zoom, animOptions?) Zoom to a certain zoom level with easing
zoomIn(animOptions?) Zoom in by 1 level
zoomOut(animOptions?) Zoom out by 1 level
easeTo(latlng, zoom?, bearing?, animOptions?) Easing animation to a specified location/zoom/bearing
flyTo(latlng, zoom?, bearing?, flyOptions?) Flying animation to a specified location/zoom/bearing with automatic curve
fitBounds(bounds, fitBoundsOptions?) Zoom to contain certain geographical bounds ([[minLat, minLng], [maxLat, maxLng]])
rotateTo(bearing, animOptions?) Rotate bearing by a certain number of degrees with easing
resetNorth(animOptions?) Sets map bearing to 0 (north) with easing
stop() Stop current animation
resize() Detect the map container's new width and height and resize the map to fit

Map method options

Object Description
animOptions An object with duration (Number in ms), easing (function), offset (point, origin of movement relative to map center) and animate (when set to false, no animation happens) options
flyOptions An object with speed (1.2 by default, how fast animation occurs), curve (1.42 by default, defines how much zooming out occurs during animation), and easing (function) options
fitBoundsOptions The same as flyOptions with the additional padding (number, defines how much padding there is around the given bounds on each side in pixels) and maxZoom (number) options

Getting map state

Method Description
getBounds() Get the map's geographical bounds (as LatLngBounds object)
getCenter() Get the current view geographical point (as LatLng object)
getZoom() Get the current zoom
getBearing() Get the current bearing in degrees
project(latlng) Get pixel coordinates (relative to map container) given a geographical location
unproject(point) Get geographical coordinates given pixel coordinates
featuresAt(point, params, callback) Get all features at a point ([x, y]) where params is {radius, layer, type, geometry} (all optional, radius is 0 by default)


// get all features at a point within a certain radius
map.featuresAt([100, 100], {
    radius: 30,          // radius in pixels to search in
    layer: 'layer' // optional - if set, only features from that layer will be matched
}, callback);

Map lifecycle

Method Description
remove() Destroys the map's underlying resources, including web workers.

Working with sources

Method Description
addSource(id, source) Adds a data source to the map, specifying associated string id
removeSource(id) Removes a data source from the map given the id that was used when adding

Working with controls

Method Description
addControl(control) Adds a control to the map

Working with style classes

Method Description
addClass(className) Adds a style class to the map
removeClass(className) Removes a style class from the map
hasClass(className) Returns boolean indicating whether a style class is active
setClasses([className]) Sets active style classes to a specified array
getClasses() Returns an array of active style classes


Event Description
render Fired whenever a frame is rendered to the WebGL context
load Fired on the first complete render, when all dependencies have been loaded
move Fired during any movement of the map (panning, zooming, rotation, etc.)
movestart Fired on start of any movement of the map
moveend Fired after movement of the map, when it becomes idle
zoom Fired when the map zoom changes
rotate Fired when the map bearing changes
click(point) Fired on map click
mousemove(point) Fired when the mouse moves over the map
resize Fired when the map changes size
source.add(source) Fired when a data source is added
source.remove(source) Fired when a data source is removed

new mapboxgl.GeoJSONSource(options)

var sourceObj = new mapboxgl.GeoJSONSource({
    data: {
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "features": [{
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
map.addSource('some id', sourceObj); // add
map.removeSource('some id');  // remove

Create a GeoJSON data source instance given an options object with the following properties:

Option Description
data A GeoJSON data object or an URL to it. The latter is preferable in case of large GeoJSON files.
maxzoom Maximum zoom to preserve detail at. 14 by default.


Method Description
setData(data) Update source geojson data and rerender map

new mapboxgl.VideoSource(options)

var sourceObj = new mapboxgl.VideoSource({
    url: [
    coordinates: [
        [39.18579907229748, -76.54335737228394],
        [39.1838364847587, -76.52803659439087],
        [39.17683392507606, -76.5295386314392],
        [39.17876344106642, -76.54520273208618]
map.addSource('some id', sourceObj); // add
map.removeSource('some id');  // remove

Create a Video data source instance given an options object with the following properties:

Option Description
url A string or array of URL(s) to video files
coordinates lat,lng coordinates in order clockwise starting at the top left: tl, tr, br, bl

new mapboxgl.Navigation(options)

Creates a navigation control with zoom buttons and a compass.

map.addControl(new mapboxgl.Navigation({position: 'topleft'})); // position is optional
Option Description
position A string indicating the control's position on the map. Options are topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft (defaults to topright)


A class inherited by most other classes (Map, Source etc.) to get event capabilities.


Method Description
fire(type, data?) Fire event of a given string type with the given data object
on(type, listener) Subscribe to a specified event with a listener function the latter gets the data object that was passed to fire and additionally target and type properties.
off(type?, listener?) Remove a listener; remove all listeners of a type if listener is not specified remove all listeners if no arguments specified.
listens(type) Returns true if the object listens to an event of a particular type

new mapboxgl.LatLng(latitude, longitude)

var latlng = new mapboxgl.LatLng(37.76, -122.44);

A representation of a latitude and longitude point, in degrees. Create a latitude, longitude object from a given latitude and longitude pair in degrees.

new mapboxgl.LatLngBounds([southwest, northeast])

var latlng = new mapboxgl.LatLng([[37.70,-122.51],[37.83,-122.35]]);

A representation of rectangular box on the earth, defined by its southwest and northeast points in latitude and longitude Creates a bounding box from the given pair of points. southwest and northeast can be ommitted to create a null bounding box.


Method Description
extend(latlng) Enlarge the bounds to include a given point
getCenter() Get the point equidistant from this box's corners, as a LatLng object
getSouthWest() Get the southwest corner as a LatLng object
getSouthEast() Get the southeast corner as a LatLng object
getNorthWest() Get the northwest corner as a LatLng object
getNorthEast() Get the northeast corner as a LatLng object
getNorth() Get the north edge's latitude as a number
getSouth() Get the south edge's latitude as a number
getWest() Get the south edge's longitude as a number
getEast() Get the south edge's longitude as a number


if (!mapboxgl.supported()) {
    console.log('Your browser does not support Mapbox GL');

Tests whether the basic JavaScript and DOM features required for Mapbox GL are present. Returns true if Mapbox GL should be expected to work, and false if not.

mapboxgl.util.getJSON(url, callback)

mapboxgl.util.getJSON('', function (err, style) {
    if (err) throw err;

Get JSON data from a url.