This is an example API server for this enterprise example project.
Like a real enterprise project, it serves several different APIs used by different parts of an application suite.
Unlike a real (2018) typical enterprise project, it is implemented all in a single Node server. It is done this way only for development and demo convenience. Most real systems built today with such widely disparate APIs would divide them into different code bases, and perhaps even deploy them as micro services.
Using json-server behind the scenes, a rest API is provided.
SSE is "server sent events"; you can think of it as like web sockets, but it works only in the downward direction, it is simpler than web sockets, and it fits through a greater variety of off-the-shelf HTTP-based infrastructure. Overall SSE is a very good choice for applications that push data from a server to connected pages, but otherwise use a more typical HTTP/POST/etc based approach for client/server communication.
The algorithm used here, to generate somewhat realistic looking fake FX data, is mostly borrowed from the following excellent book. However the code in that book for the algorithm was in PHP, so it is re-implemented here in TypeScript.
A GraphQL APIs also provided, again with very limited, fake data.
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