id | title |
configuring |
Configuring ReDex |
ReDex can be configured to run different optimizations or to alter the behavior of existing optimizations. While this isn't always necessary, it's helpful to be able to tweak settings to get the best results.
A starting point for configuration is to use a configuration similar to the
default config that's baked in to the redex
binary. You can find this config
in config/default.config. This is what it looks like:
"redex" : {
"passes" : [
Name this file default.config, and invoke redex
with it:
% -c default.config -o tmp/output.apk input.apk
This will do... exactly what redex does without the config. Not so exciting, is it? Let's move on to something more advanced.
Changing the set of optimizations ReDex runs is easy; just add (or remove) the pass name from the redex.passes list. For example, let's say you want to remove the ShortenSrcStrings optimization while you're debugging something. Just use this config:
"redex" : {
"passes" : [
Each optimization pass has some configurable parameters that are specific to that pass. These are often blocklists (or allowlists) indicating what code the optimization should leave alone (for blocklists) or what code should be optimized (for allowlists).
A simple example is ShortenSrcStrings. This pass removes filenames indicating what source code produced each class. It's a waste to ship those source strings to production, but it's useful to be able to map the shortened names back to the original names (e.g., for solving user bug reports). You can tell ShortenSrcStrings to produce this map by adding a config entry:
"redex" : {
"passes" : [
"ShortenSrcStringsPass" : {
"filename_mappings" : "/tmp/filename_mappings.txt"
Options for each pass are documented with that pass.
Type: array of strings A list of passes to be run in the specified order. -
Type: string Path to a file containing a list of class names in the order they are used for cold start. Example format:com/foo/Bar.class com/foo/Baz.class ... com/foo/Quux.class
Type: string Path to a file containing ProGuard's mapping of unobfuscated class/field/method names to obfuscated names. This option is useful if you are running ReDex after ProGuard, so that ReDex will properly understand obfuscated names.
To see the (almost) complete list of configuration parameters, run
redex-all --reflect-config
(Note that you run redex-all
here, not the
This emits a JSON document detailing parameters, their types, defaults and possibly documentation.