This is a version of GitHub's Campfire bot, hubot. He's pretty cool.
This version is designed to be deployed on heroku.
% git clone
% cd hubot
% heroku create --stack cedar
% git push heroku master
% heroku ps:scale web=1
Hubot needs four environmental variables set to run and to keep him running on heroku.
Create a separate user for your bot and get their token from the web UI.
% heroku config:add HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_TOKEN="..."
Get the numeric ids of the rooms you want the bot to join, comma delimited.
% heroku config:add HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ROOMS="42,1024"
Add the subdomain hubot should connect to. If you web URL looks like
then you'd add it like this.
% heroku config:add HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ACCOUNT="mysubdomain"
In order to keep hubot running, he needs to trick heroku into thinking
he's constantly getting web traffic. Hubot will automatically ping his
HTTP endpoint if you set the HUBOT_WEB_HOST
variable. You can get the
web endpoint by running heroku info
and getting the hostname from the
Web URL. Be sure to remove the http://
prefix from it.
% heroku config:add HUBOT_WEB_HOST=""
You may want to get comfortable with heroku logs
and heroku restart
if you're having issues.
It's easy to test scripts locally with the shell:
% bin/hubot
Run tests:
% make test