- Fortaleza, CE
- http://veezor.com
- @fagianijunior
Starred repositories
mrbkiter / mattermost-server
Forked from mattermost/mattermostMattermost cluster using Redis Pubsub
collectiveidea / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase based asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify
Composer repository for WordPress translation files
benvallack / ergogen
Forked from ergogen/ergogenErgonomic keyboard layout generator
CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
A Heroku buildpack to download files from private S3 buckets
igbinary / igbinary
Forked from somia/igbinaryIgbinary is a drop in replacement for the standard php serializer.
Custom Heroku buildpack for Python with NumPy and SciPy
resque / resque-web
Forked from livingsocial/resque-weba Rails-based web interface to Resque
Runs migrations on a deployment
dajulia3 / apt-buildpack
Forked from fagiani/apt-buildpackapt-based Buildpack
bueltge / wordpress-opcache
Forked from elcobvg/wordpress-opcacheOPcache Object Cache plugin for WordPress. Faster than Redis, Memcache or APC.
NinesStack / sidecar
Forked from newrelic/sidecarGossip-based service discovery. Docker native, but supports non-container discovery, too.
nulldb / nulldb
Forked from avdi/nulldbAn ActiveRecord null database adapter for greater speed and isolation in unit tests.
fagiani / web-app-theme
Forked from gravityblast/web-app-themeA simple theme for web apps
fagiani / simple_form
Forked from heartcombo/simple_formForms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
Mongoid taggable behaviour
fagiani / koala
Forked from arsduo/koalaA lightweight, flexible library for Facebook with support for OAuth authentication, the Graph and REST APIs, realtime updates, and test users.
fagiani / jekyll
Forked from jekyll/jekyllJekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
fagiani / httpi
Forked from savonrb/httpiInterface for Ruby HTTP libraries
fagiani / attr_enum
Forked from krisr/attr_enumRails plugin for enum style attributes
fagiani / paperclipped
Forked from kbingman/paperclippedRadiant extension for managing assets and images with the Paperclip plugin
mislav / rspactor
Forked from pelle/rspactorBetter autotest for RSpec on OS X; resurrection of the original, command-line RSpactor
fagiani / vim-surround
Forked from tpope/vim-surroundsurround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple