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Quick Tutorial, Intro and Demos

The quickest way to get started is to visit the annyang homepage.

For a more in-depth look at annyang, read on.

API Reference

init(commands, [resetCommands=true])

Initialize annyang with a list of commands to recognize.


var commands = {'hello :name': helloFunction};
var commands2 = {'hi': helloFunction};

// initialize annyang, overwriting any previously added commands
annyang.init(commands, true);
// adds an additional command without removing the previous commands
annyang.init(commands2, false);

As of v1.1.0 it is no longer required to call init(). Just start() listening whenever you want, and addCommands() whenever, and as often as you like.


See: Commands Object


  • Object commands - Commands that annyang should listen to
  • Boolean [resetCommands=true] - Remove all commands before initializing?


Start listening. It's a good idea to call this after adding some commands first, but not mandatory.

Receives an optional options object which currently only supports one option:

  • autoRestart (Boolean, default: true) Should annyang restart itself if it is closed indirectly, because of silence or window conflicts?


// Start listening, but don't restart automatically
annyang.start({ autoRestart: false });


  • Object [options] - Optional options.


Stop listening.


Turn on output of debug messages to the console. Ugly, but super-handy!


  • Boolean [newState=true] - Turn on/off debug messages


Set the language the user will speak in. If this method is not called, defaults to 'en-US'.

See: Languages


  • String language - The language (locale)


Add commands that annyang will respond to. Similar in syntax to init(), but doesn't remove existing commands.


var commands = {'hello :name': helloFunction, 'howdy': helloFunction};
var commands2 = {'hi': helloFunction};

// annyang will now listen to all three commands

See: Commands Object


  • Object commands - Commands that annyang should listen to


Remove existing commands. Called with a single phrase, array of phrases, or methodically. Pass no params to remove all commands.


var commands = {'hello': helloFunction, 'howdy': helloFunction, 'hi': helloFunction};

// Remove all existing commands

// Add some commands

// Don't respond to hello

// Don't respond to howdy or hi
annyang.removeCommands(['howdy', 'hi']);


  • String|Array|Undefined [commandsToRemove] - Commands to remove

addCallback(type, callback, [context])

Add a callback function to be called in case one of the following events happens:

start, error, end, result, resultMatch, resultNoMatch, errorNetwork, errorPermissionBlocked, errorPermissionDenied.


annyang.addCallback('error', function () {
  $('.myErrorText').text('There was an error!');

// pass local context to a global function called notConnected
annyang.addCallback('errorNetwork', notConnected, this);


  • String type - Name of event that will trigger this callback
  • Function callback - The function to call when event is triggered
  • Object [context] - Optional context for the callback function

Good to Know

Commands Object

Both the init() and addCommands() methods receive a commands object.

annyang understands commands with named variables, splats, and optional words.

  • Use named variables for one word arguments in your command.
  • Use splats to capture multi-word text at the end of your command (greedy).
  • Use optional words or phrases to define a part of the command as optional.


var commands = {
  // annyang will capture anything after a splat (*) and pass it to the function.
  // e.g. saying "Show me Batman and Robin" will call showFlickr('Batman and Robin');
  'show me *term': showFlickr,

  // A named variable is a one word variable, that can fit anywhere in your command.
  // e.g. saying "calculate October stats" will call calculateStats('October');
  'calculate :month stats': calculateStats,

  // By defining a part of the following command as optional, annyang will respond
  // to both: "say hello to my little friend" as well as "say hello friend"
  'say hello (to my little) friend': greeting

var showFlickr = function(term) {
  var url = ''+tag;

var calculateStats = function(month) {
  $('#stats').text('Statistics for '+month);

var greeting = function() {


While there isn't an official list of supported languages (cultures? locales?), here is a list based on anecdotal evidence.

  • Afrikaans af
  • Basque eu
  • Bulgarian bg
  • Catalan ca
  • Arabic (Egypt) ar-EG
  • Arabic (Jordan) ar-JO
  • Arabic (Kuwait) ar-KW
  • Arabic (Lebanon) ar-LB
  • Arabic (Qatar) ar-QA
  • Arabic (UAE) ar-AE
  • Arabic (Morocco) ar-MA
  • Arabic (Iraq) ar-IQ
  • Arabic (Algeria) ar-DZ
  • Arabic (Bahrain) ar-BH
  • Arabic (Lybia) ar-LY
  • Arabic (Oman) ar-OM
  • Arabic (Saudi Arabia) ar-SA
  • Arabic (Tunisia) ar-TN
  • Arabic (Yemen) ar-YE
  • Czech cs
  • Dutch nl-NL
  • English (Australia) en-AU
  • English (Canada) en-CA
  • English (India) en-IN
  • English (New Zealand) en-NZ
  • English (South Africa) en-ZA
  • English(UK) en-GB
  • English(US) en-US
  • Finnish fi
  • French fr-FR
  • Galician gl
  • German de-DE
  • Hebrew he
  • Hungarian hu
  • Icelandic is
  • Italian it-IT
  • Indonesian id
  • Japanese ja
  • Korean ko
  • Latin la
  • Mandarin Chinese zh-CN
  • Traditional Taiwan zh-TW
  • Simplified China zh-CN ?
  • Simplified Hong Kong zh-HK
  • Yue Chinese (Traditional Hong Kong) zh-yue
  • Malaysian ms-MY
  • Norwegian no-NO
  • Polish pl
  • Pig Latin xx-piglatin
  • Portuguese pt-PT
  • Portuguese (Brasil) pt-BR
  • Romanian ro-RO
  • Russian ru
  • Serbian sr-SP
  • Slovak sk
  • Spanish (Argentina) es-AR
  • Spanish (Bolivia) es-BO
  • Spanish (Chile) es-CL
  • Spanish (Colombia) es-CO
  • Spanish (Costa Rica) es-CR
  • Spanish (Dominican Republic) es-DO
  • Spanish (Ecuador) es-EC
  • Spanish (El Salvador) es-SV
  • Spanish (Guatemala) es-GT
  • Spanish (Honduras) es-HN
  • Spanish (Mexico) es-MX
  • Spanish (Nicaragua) es-NI
  • Spanish (Panama) es-PA
  • Spanish (Paraguay) es-PY
  • Spanish (Peru) es-PE
  • Spanish (Puerto Rico) es-PR
  • Spanish (Spain) es-ES
  • Spanish (US) es-US
  • Spanish (Uruguay) es-UY
  • Spanish (Venezuela) es-VE
  • Swedish sv-SE
  • Turkish tr
  • Zulu zu


Prerequisities: node.js

First, install dependencies in your local annyang copy:

npm install

Make sure to run the default grunt task after each change to annyang.js. This can also be done automatically by running:

grunt watch

You can also run a local server for testing your work with:

grunt dev

Point your browser to https://localhost:8443/demo/ to see the demo page. Since it's using self-signed certificate, you might need to click "Proceed Anyway".